For the debut edition of On the Street, we caught up with staff and contributors to see what they did over winter break.
Anna Baird-Hassell – Deputy Managing Editor

Taken at the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville, NJ. It is the second largest Hindu temple in the world, only behind Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
Henry Bayha – Contributing Photographer

My band over the course of break at rehearsals and shows and on the way there. I love these people.
Krish Dev – Director of Creative & Digital Strategy

Isabel Albors – Contributing Photographer

This was a trip I took with my parents to Berlin during winter break. The first time they visited was when 9/11 happened. I’ve heard the story before — how they sat in a taxi, trying to piece together what happened but the language barrier kept them in the dark. This winter, they returned. Without fail, they explained the story to every taxi driver they encountered. In their company, I watched them trying to reimagine Berlin, but with the gloomy weather and the weight of its own history, it was hard to change that deep, pensive feeling.

Rachel Ning – Social Media Editor

Sidney Snider – Sports Editor

The Idaho Steelheads hockey games on Jan. 10 and 11.

Alisia Houghtaling – Multimedia Editor

I gave my 4-year-old brother (pictured below) a disposable camera.

Kiran Komanduri – Photo Editor

One of the best parts about going home is discovering the little slices of nature all around me. My favorite of these is housed behind my local library. There’s a pair of crocodiles that live in a pond there and can come and go as they please. When I went back for winter break, the pond was filled with algae in a way that I’d never seen before.
Alex Woodworth – Photo Editor

Charlotte Nichols – Contributing Photographer

A 35mm film photo taken of my brother and my dog.
Zara Surti – Contributing Photographer

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