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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

University Life

NYU Puts Its Reputation Before Student Wellness

NYU Puts Its Reputation Before Student Wellness

Among other secretive measures, NYU does not track suicides. But what does the university have to gain from this?
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor December 2, 2019

NYU has something of a reputation for being secretive with information — its fiscal 2020 budget, which was supposed to be released in June, has not yet been published; it has...

Good for Business Isn’t Good Enough

Good for Business Isn’t Good Enough

As the university continues to make strides towards sustainability, it must also do what’s right, not just what makes money.
Cole Stallone, Opinion Editor December 2, 2019

NYU’s Chief Sustainability Officer Cecil Scheib recently outlined the reality of achieving sustainability goals at NYU: in order for them to be accepted, they must be good for...

The Necessity of Protesting on Privileged Ground

The Necessity of Protesting on Privileged Ground

The protest at the Harvard-Yale football game should be a catalyst for future change at NYU.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor November 26, 2019

The annual Harvard-Yale football game was disrupted on Saturday by student activists from Divest Harvard, Yale Endowment Justice Coalition and Fossil Free Yale who demanded that...

How NYU Wellness Sees Itself — and Why That Image Is Wrong

How NYU Wellness Sees Itself — and Why That Image Is Wrong

After recently promoting a questionably-sourced article on the Student Health Center, NPR has misrepresented NYU’s wellness resources, failing to recognize student voices.
WSN Editorial Board November 25, 2019

On Thursday, NPR tweeted out an article by WGBH News, a Boston-based radio station, calling NYU’s wellness services “a national model.” The article, the final part of a four-part...

Medical Professionals Need to Be Educated on Eating Disorders

Medical Professionals Need to Be Educated on Eating Disorders

Medical professionals have a responsibility to educate themselves on eating disorders so they can help and validate struggling students.
Helen Wajda, Contributing Writer November 25, 2019

When I went to urgent care at the Student Health Center and then the emergency room after passing out, I told every professional who helped me that I was currently in treatment...

President Andrew Hamilton has officially decided to end his affordability initiative. (Staff illustration by Chelsea Li)

Off-Third: Hamilton Ends Affordability Initiatives, Bans ‘Broke B-tches’ From Attending

After significant efforts by the administration and student body to lower NYU’s tuition, the university has officially been deemed affordable.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 20, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. NYU President Andrew Hamilton has decided to end his affordability initiative, saying that the student body has “too many broke b-tches.”...

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

We’re all going places in some way or another. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On the NYU Airport Shuttle By Bella Gil, Beauty and Style Editor Getting back and forth between JFK airport and campus is one skill I’ve yet to master. If traveling...

The College Club Pressure Cooker

The College Club Pressure Cooker

Although many clubs here at NYU serve student bodies who yearn for both exclusivity and prestige, college has proven to one first-year student that finding your space could be just as important.
Kenzo Kimura, Staff Writer November 18, 2019

My childhood was busy, to say the least. Whether I was at Taekwondo practice late into the evening or hastily finishing the homework assigned by my after-school tutors, busy was...

How NYU Can Really Support Mental Health

How NYU Can Really Support Mental Health

Mental health at NYU can’t improve until we realize that the people who need help are actually the ones least likely to ask for it.
Sarah John, Contributing Writer November 18, 2019

For most of my life, I just wanted to be successful. Not necessarily happy — just successful. There’s a history that has led to this result, a series of sad, almost cliche...

Does My Breakdown Need a Doctor’s Note?

Does My Breakdown Need a Doctor’s Note?

At a school where absences are rarely excused, it becomes hard to know when we’ve reached our breaking point.
Claire Fishman, Arts Editor November 18, 2019

One recent Sunday morning, I awoke to a queasiness in my stomach that, within minutes, prompted me to stumble out of bed and onto my knees in front of my toilet. I was violently...

Liberal Studies Deserves Better

Liberal Studies Deserves Better

NYU’s refusal to treat LS students and faculty as equal to their peers in FAS means that the university has failed to recognize a significant portion of its own community.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 15, 2019

To say I was excited when I was accepted to NYU’s Liberal Studies program would be an understatement. But when I arrived on campus for Weekend on the Square, it seemed that not...

The Unsung Struggle of Liberal Studies

The Unsung Struggle of Liberal Studies

“Oh, that’s cool … Remind me, what is it?”
Sophia Di Iorio, Creative Director November 11, 2019

When you’re a first-year in Liberal Studies, icebreakers are a depressing affair. Between the standard questions (“Where are you from?” or “How do you like New York?”),...