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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


Geopolitics Matters to Us All

Geopolitics Matters to Us All

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer April 2, 2018
If you look beyond domestic politics, you will realize that geopolitical tensions between U.S. and China put NYU international students at risk.
Gun Reform Movement Is Too White

Gun Reform Movement Is Too White

Paola Nagovitch, Deputy Opinion Editor April 1, 2018
March for Our Lives and movements for gun reform need to incorporate Black lives and voices and push forward police gun reform as well.
Right to Disconnect Bill Needs Reworking

Right to Disconnect Bill Needs Reworking

Tyler Crews, Opinion Editor March 28, 2018
I would love to see a separation between work and home life; however Councilman Rafael L. Espinal Jr.'s bill, if passed, has potential to be ineffective due to its ambiguity.
Bumble’s Hive Mind Predicament

Bumble’s Hive Mind Predicament

Janice Lee, Contributing Writer March 19, 2018
Bumble banned pictures of guns in dating profiles, a move that it claims is not politically motivated. However, politics and dating are inherently connected, so Bumble must recognize the implications of its actions.
Opioid Epidemic Starts With Corrupt Doctors

Opioid Epidemic Starts With Corrupt Doctors

Tyler Crews, Opinion Editor March 19, 2018
NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing professor Holly Hagan recently discussed the negative role of doctors in the Opioid Crisis. While President Donald Trump is concerned with building his wall, the doctors on the inside are overprescribing drugs to their patients
Companies Have Values, Just like People

Companies Have Values, Just like People

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer March 6, 2018
Should companies have a voice in politics? Despite current objections, the answer is yes. Companies have values and the right to free speech, just as citizens do.
Fund the Hudson Rail Tunnel

Fund the Hudson Rail Tunnel

March 5, 2018
Donald Trump has declared his decision not to fund the Gateway Program — a multi-billion dollar plan to replace the rail tunnel under the Hudson River. This move is entirely political.
Georgia’s Unjust Spiritual Shield

Georgia’s Unjust Spiritual Shield

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer March 4, 2018
The Georgia SB-375 bill utilizes religion as an excuse to discriminate, reducing same-sex couples to second-class citizens.
Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 26, 2018
Student walkouts will not stop mass shootings.
How Unions Can Overcome the Collective Action Problem

How Unions Can Overcome the Collective Action Problem

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz, Contributing Writer February 20, 2018
The negotiations between UCATS Local 3882 and NYU demonstrates how unions can overcome the collective action problem.