Pursuit of Happiness
By Hope Rangaswami
We hear the term “self-care” all the time, but what does it really mean? To whom is it available and in what ways is it attainable? “The Pursuit of Happiness” will explore practical ways for NYU students to take care of themselves, proving that being broke and busy isn’t a barrier to self-care.
Hope Rangaswami is a sophomore in CAS majoring in English and Environmental Studies.
Op-Ed Your Eyes
By Diya Jain
“Op-Ed Your Eyes” is a commentary on current affairs, and Diya’s goal is to make her readers more aware about what’s happening in the world. She’s from India, so the busy New York streets weren’t that much of a change. When she’s not watching political satire like “The Patriot Act,” she prioritizes bringing her perspective as an international student with a passion for current events to her writing.
Diya Jain is a first-year in CAS majoring in Economics.
By Kylie Smith
“BODIES” will be a series about body image. Recently, Kylie has been battling body insecurity — something that many wrestle with. Over the next few months, Kylie hopes to befriend her own body again, and to change the way we talk to and about ourselves because at some point in time, we have all been at war with our own bodies.
Kylie Smith is a sophomore in CAS majoring in Journalism and Art History.
By Nathan Maue
In “Pundit in Training,” Nathan takes a look at the fact that while young people are most likely going to constitute the largest voting block in the United States, we seem to lack a proper grasp of their perspectives and opinions. With this column, Nathan aims to wield his many opinions to try and understand the world of American politics through a student lens.
Nathan Maue is a senior in CAS majoring in Computer Science.
Cole’s Climate Dispatch
By Cole Stallone
“Cole’s Climate Dispatch” will focus on the fact that climate change is the most important issue of our time. Scientists have given us a little more than a decade to prevent the worst of the crisis from coming true. Given the sense of urgency, dedicated commentary is needed to continue the conversation about this challenge. “Cole’s Climate Dispatch” will focus on the institutional response to climate change as well as major events that affect the political atmosphere and the ways in which students can have an impact.
Cole Stallone is a sophomore in CAS majoring in History.
The Art School Report
By Johanna Stone
“The Art School Report” is a column about the trials and tribulations of art school and the New York City art scene at large. Johanna aims to document the experiences and opinions of Tisch students and the terrifying thought of graduating into the world with an arts degree.
Johanna Stone is a sophomore in Tisch majoring in Drama.
Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are not necessarily those of WSN, and our publication of opinions is not an endorsement of them.
A version of this article appeared in the Monday, Mar. 11th, 2019, print edition. Email the columnists at [email protected].