To the fashion-conscious, outfit-repeating is an inconceivable act. Wearing the same outfit everyday for a week? An outrage. So that’s exactly what I decided to do last week.
In order to pull this off without me going crazy, I chose an outfit that was basic enough that most people wouldn’t notice, but stylish enough that I wasn’t completely bored. Most importantly, I needed something that would protect me from the dropping October temperature.
After deliberation, I decided on one of my classic tan fit — a term coined by a few of my friends after noticing a certain trend in my clothing choices. This consisted of a black turtleneck, beige slacks, a beige overcoat, and a black cashmere scarf. To spice it up a bit, I threw on some furry leopard-print flats. Satisfied, I took a deep breath and dove into the week.

Right away, I saw the appeal in not having to coordinate an outfit each morning, especially during midterm season. It was one less thing to think about, and it greatly expedited my morning routine. The ridiculous 10 to 15 minutes I used to spend in front of my closet in the morning transformed into a few extra minutes of blissful slumber.
Nobody seemed to notice or care, alleviating any fears I had about judgment from others. In fact, the only two people who even said anything were people I saw every day. One friend, perhaps afraid to offend me, haltingly mentioned that I was wearing a very similar ensemble as the day before, while the other straight-up asked if it was the same outfit she saw me in the previous day. My theory is that because, other than the shoes, the outfit was quite plain, it never caught anybody’s attention and therefore didn’t notice its repeat appearance. Or everybody was too polite to mention it. Either way, it worked for me.
What I didn’t like about this experience was the lack of creative freedom I had throughout the week in coordinating my appearance. Curating an outfit each day had served as a creative outlet. Getting dressed forced me to be contemplative, and frivolous even, when my chaotic college life refused to allow me to be imaginative in more traditional ways. Although convenient, having a set uniform ultimately stifled my spirit, leaving me bored and unsatisfied.
I missed dressing myself too much, and I’m undoubtedly looking forward to returning variety to my looks. But come finals season, you’ll maybe catch me wearing the same outfit two or three days in a row. Just maybe.
Email Carol Lee at [email protected].