Kithe Brewster Fall/Winter 2014
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
Rachel Kaplan/WSN
David Bologna, Staff Writer
February 15, 2014
Click for more looks from Kithe Brewster F/W 2014.
Celebrity and TV stylist-turned-designer Kithe Brewster has begun his career with his second collection releasing this Fall/Winter 2014 season. Brewster provided a mixture of lustful glamour, costume attire and clean chic looks. The entire collection proved a rather confusing mash up of certain looks, but nevertheless, a promising future could be in store for Brewster.
With sequin, lace, chiffon and zippers that appeared to be placed rather randomly together, the collection also featured only one male model who stuck out somewhat like a sore thumb. Additionally, the choppy mix of music, while relevant in theme, did not fade into each other, but the songs would abruptly stop allowing for moments of pregnant pauses and silences that disrupted the show’s overall vibe.
With these flaws in the production, the collection had a few standout pieces. Particularly, Brewster’s work with drapery was truly remarkable especially in dramatically large folding floor length dresses. His execution and knowledge of fabric’s movement is top notch and he utilizes this as a strength in his aesthetic. A toned down use of color, materials, and fabrics would help greatly here to display Brewster’s talent rather than displaying a somewhat unconnected collection.
Brewster shows promise with his utilization of fabrics and materials, and his vision is beautiful. With a few more seasons under his belt to work out production kinks and find his definitive voice, he could be a name the fashion world will see more of.
David Bologna is a staff writer. Email him at [email protected].