All-university student council elections begin
April 8, 2013

The All-University Elections will begin today at 9 a.m. and will end Friday, April 12.
Coordinated by the Student Senators Council, the elections will institute student leaders for each of the nine participating schools. A full list can be found online at, where a voting portal allows students to vote throughout the week.
Designed by two NYU Abu Dhabi students, junior Juan Felipe Beltran and freshman Morgante Pell, the online voting process allows all students in the participating schools to vote for the candidates in their school.
The positions for each school, as well as who can run for them, vary according to the school and its constitution. However, the university bylaws state that each school must have a senator and a president.
The only exception to this is if there are elections for smaller groups or cohorts within a school. In this case, only the students involved in those groups will be able to vote.
In the past, school council elections took place at different times, but the University Committee on Student Life has made efforts to hold all the elections during the same time period in recent years.
CAS junior and UCSL vice chair Mariam Ehrari said this has increased voter turnout and made the process more efficient.
Campaigning methods are different in every school, but Ehrari said the SSC will be encouraging students to vote all week by promoting and advertising the elections.
In addition to posters and a banner in the Kimmel Center for Student Life, incumbent senators and presidents will wear election T-shirts and run tables at Bobst Library and Kimmel where students can vote and hand out voting stickers.
“We want to get the best voter turnout possible,” Ehrari said. “There is growing interest in how representation in the university works, and I believe it is timely and of utmost importance to make sure you vote and have your voice heard.”
A version of this article appeared in the Monday, April 8 print edition. Nicole Brown is investigative editor. Veronica Carchedi is city/state editor. Email them at [email protected].