Stuyvesant Town is a great choice for a residential off-campus atmosphere.
This housing complex stretches from 14th to 20th streets, between First Avenue and Avenue C, and has many facilities, including the Oval Study, Oval Lounge, Oval Cafe and Oval Fitness gym. The development is populated by different types of people, including older residents living in rent-controlled apartments, young families and the growing young adult population.
All buildings have laundry, rent drop boxes are stationed around the oval and Stuy Town makes moving in and setting up cable and Internet extremely easy. The complex is also patrolled by Stuy Town security guards.
The development is safe, clean, relatively quiet and features extensive amenities. The maintenance service is convenient — residents simply fill out an online maintenance form to schedule an appointment if needed.
Many students choose Stuy Town because brokers often offer the apartments as no-fee rentals, and a majority of the listings on NYU’s off-campus housing registry are Stuy Town apartments. NYU also conveniently provides the C line bus which takes students from Stuy Town to 715 Broadway, but as of now the line only runs until noon. It is often a half-hour walk to campus.
The downsides to living in Stuy Town include the location — it is a far walk to most places, and the First Avenue L station is the closest subway line to most apartments. Stuy Town is not the cheapest place for students to live, although sharing rooms or choosing an apartment farther uptown or toward the east side of the complex can save money. A two-bedroom apartment costs approximately $3,000 and a four-bedroom approximately $5,000.
Stuy Town has more perks than problems, and the student community in the complex continues to grow.
– Lavya Yalamanchi
Robert Stillman • Jul 16, 2014 at 5:16 pm
If you are looking for an awesome apartment in Stuyvesant Town, make sure to visit http://www.pcvstliving.com to find lots of available units without fees. Pretty cool. When you visit the website, you’ll learn more about floor plans, prices and amenities. Stuyvesant Town has lots to enjoy, a great location and has provided a home for thousands of people for many years. It is a place to make into your home.
Off campus housing Marquette • Sep 13, 2013 at 9:45 am
The contents has provided meaningful information thanks for sharing info
NYer • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:17 pm
Why does this article not explain the problems that NYU students have had living among long time residents of Stuy Town. If I were a college student that Iiked to party I would never live here. If you have a party, or listen to moderately loud music or gaming, security will harass you, and your neighbors will despise you. Do yourself a favor and live elsewhere in a building that is student friendly. The residents of Stuy Town hate, no actually despise students living here and will work to make your life hell with complaints if you step out of line at all. Live elsewhere please!!!!
E.D. Brown • Apr 12, 2013 at 9:42 am
As a long time tenant living in Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village who – very unfortunately – has seen my home overrun with ENTITLED, self-absorbed, NYU students in the last several years, I second everything that has been said here. I know that you’re young and many of you are living away from home for the first time, but, really, who raised you to be so inconsiderate and selfish??? Your parents have done neither you nor the world any favors.
PatStuy • Apr 11, 2013 at 3:50 pm
If you choose to move to PCVST, please respect your neighbors. This includes: not using the stairwell as a bathroom, not leaving your rotting garbage on the floor for the overworked porter to dispose of, not placing your dirty laundry on the washing machine to “hold” it, not vomiting in the entrance way or out your window so that is splatters into the apartments below, not refusing to adequately cover your floors so that your neighbors hear every move. In other words, please do not follow in the footsteps of your NYU classmates who currently live here.
PatStuy • Apr 14, 2013 at 6:56 pm
Oh yeah, and please do NOT buy a small dog that you will then ignore, force to pee all over the apartment because you are never home, and who will bark incessantly out of loneliness and misery. It’s just cruel.
Get_Real • Apr 11, 2013 at 2:51 pm
Also remember that all of these people complaining in this message forum will pay less then a quarter of what you will pay in rent.
Edmund John Dunn • Apr 11, 2013 at 3:05 pm
No, we just don’t have our parents pay or split the rent with 4-5 roommates.
Get_Real • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:20 pm
You are very misinformed if you think all of the young people parent’s are paying for them to triple or quadruple up in what was supposed to be a 2 bedroom apartment. How many undergrads actually live here? I bet it’s a very small number.
blueiris • Apr 12, 2013 at 4:25 pm
The baby faced girl clutching a piece of paper wondering whether she was supposed to go right or left to her apt, with her mom in tow holding a lamp, made it pretty clear that this was a child moving into her dorm room. I don’t know if she was the same drunken girl ringing my doorbell at 2am on a wednesday night, trying to use her key to open the door, yelling about letting her in. I don’t know if she’s the one smoking skunky weed that wafts into my apartment. Maybe she’s the one who lets her dog piss in the elevator. Maybe she’s the one leaving her garbage in the hall. I do know that all of these things lessen the quality of life, and I don’t know why I should put up with it. Maybe they’re not all undergrads, but they sure as hell act like it.
Real Tenant • Apr 11, 2013 at 11:40 pm
And we have REAL apartments, not cubicles made from illegal, firetrap pressure walls. I can’t believe you pay what you pay for so little in return. Your parents must have very deep pockets and not much of a clue as to how you live.
Get_Real • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:19 pm
Keep telling yourself that all these “students” parent’s are paying for their apartments. Keep closing your eyes at the reality of NYC rental prices. Keep doing whatever it takes for you to sleep at night while you selfishly berate those less fortunate then you to have subsidized housing.
Real Tenant • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:32 pm
I’d sleep a lot better at night if I didn’t have nasty-assed students living downstairs from me who come home at 3 am, drunk, high and woo-hooing and putting their damned music on at full volume. There’s a reason why we despise you. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why we despise you. As for NYC rental prices, don’t blame people in rent stabilized apartments. Blame the greedy, bloodsucking landlords who gouge every penny they can. BTW, my apartment is probably not as cheap as you think and the fact that the building is peopled by self-absorbed, noisy, dirty kids makes it very much less than a bargain. Grow up!
Jeanne McDonnell OShea • Apr 12, 2013 at 9:13 am
I wish
pcv tennant • Apr 12, 2013 at 12:51 pm
not hardly.
NYer • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:30 pm
Stop squeezing six students into an apartment on airbeds and with makeshift walls. With as many people as the students squeeze into these apartments illegally there is no way that they are paying more per pocket that anyone living here.
Jeanne McDonnell OShea • Apr 12, 2013 at 7:11 pm
Do you live here?
Edmund John Dunn • Apr 11, 2013 at 2:09 pm
Bro! Dude! Woo! Enough. Please. We, the residents of PCVST, which is our home, are working and raising families here. After you all get married and have kids,
would you move into a dorm? I don’t think so. Also, around 20% of our apartments
have had a bed bug infestation. Tell that to your parents and NYU administration.
And please, PLEASE, give John Sexton my regards.
Native Manhattinite • Apr 11, 2013 at 10:48 am
Lavya, you need to sharpen up your reporting skills as the tone of your piece is wrong as well as some facts. Stuyvesant Town is home to many long time residents; some as long as 30 years, if your almost 20-something year old brain can compute this. I am sick and tired of NYU students stumbling home drunk and noisy in the am hours with no respect to neighbors sleeping. I am also sick of them hanging outside the building smoking weed and cigarettes and leaving the door open. HELLO, Security issue??? This is no stoop! Go to Williamsburg!! Stuyvesant Town is not a “housing complex”. It is a RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX. If your reporting is any indication of how the journalism program is at NYU, then I am SO glad I didn’t go there for that!
NYer • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:26 pm
I agree, this is the most misleading article and you are right, NYU students need to be mindful of all of the hardworking families living in this RESIDENTIAL complex.
Kathleen Reynolds • Apr 11, 2013 at 10:00 am
ALL of the apartments in Stuyvesant Town are rent stabilized, except of course whatever special deal has been made with NYU. Your neighbors will be people who live here full time as this is their home. This is not university housing like a dorm. You are living among people who are making Stuy Town their home and who work and raise children here, or are retired. Behave yourselves and respect all who live here.
Jeanne McDonnell OShea • Apr 11, 2013 at 9:18 am
And please remember that you are not on campus, working people live here and need to sleep, so no screaming on your way home from the bar-the sound carries.
NYer • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:22 pm
Exactly!! If you do live here do not talk outside the buildings at night, the sound echoes and we can hear your entire conversation crying with your boyfriend on the phone, or drunk dialing your booty call at 3am. Live elsewhere, find a dormitory!
John Marsh • Apr 11, 2013 at 9:10 am
UPDATE: There is no Oval Study, Lounge, or Fitness Gym. Why? Because Sandy destroyed the basements of 17 buildings and the Management office. Management staff have been forced to take over the Oval Spaces for operations.
There are no Laundry Facilities in 17 of the 110 buildings. Be wary of which one you move into. Also, note that the unaffected laundry rooms are overrun by residents from affected buildings.
All the apartments are Rent-Stabilized, not Controlled. There is a big difference.
If you move here plan to buy floor covering. Your lease requires 80% carpet covering to protect you as well as your neighbors from noise.
And for god sakes, take off your damm shoes when you come home. It makes a difference to your neighbors below!
NYer • Apr 12, 2013 at 3:24 pm
Be considerate and throw rugs down on the floors, as your lease requires. No one wants to hear you stomping around on a hard wood floor at 3am when you are dragging yourself in from the bars. Have some common decency and realize that residents here need to get some sleep to go to work in the morning.
Peter Whalen • Apr 11, 2013 at 8:23 am
Who the F edited this piece. PCV is rent stabilized, not controlled.