New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York Reacts: Trump Elected President

Anna Letson, Multimedia Editor November 9, 2016
NYU Journalism students went around New York today and asked people about their feelings surrounding the election results. This is what they had to say.
A 1998 political satire, “Bulworth” was brought back to the big screen at the Metrograph Theater as the election draws near.

‘Bulworth’ Relevant 20 Years Later

Daniella Nichinson, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
"Bulworth" might have been released in 1998, but its political satire seems eerily familiar in the context of today's presidential race.

Students Find Community at Flurry

Faith Gates, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
On one night each year, NYU students unite in their shared love for free ice skating.
Trump’s Victim Blaming is Unacceptable

Trump’s Victim Blaming is Unacceptable

Emma Rudd, Contributing Writer October 21, 2016
In an example of sheer hypocrisy, Trump has shamed and berated the victims of sexual assault for falsifying their victimization and also asked for sympathy from voters as he victimizes himself.
NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU students weigh in on last night's presidential debate.
When Issues Have Faces, Clinton Wins

When Issues Have Faces, Clinton Wins

Akshay Prabhushankar, Deputy Opinion Editor October 11, 2016
Clinton has outlined an ambitious set of goals, but she has faced resistance from voters who feel these issues do not affect them.
What Did NYU Think of the Presidential Debate?

What Did NYU Think of the Presidential Debate?

Alice Li, Contributing Writer September 27, 2016
NYU Politics Society hosted a viewing party for the first presidential debate.
Hilary Clinton’s metrocard incident was one of the many funny moments political candidates have had in New York.

Candidates Doze in City That Never Sleeps

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 11, 2016
A collection of all the hilarious things the presidential candidates have done while campaigning in NYC.
Todays topic up for debate between the NYU Republicans and Democrats was the Iran Nuclear Deal and the Capital-Gains Tax.

College Dems, Repubs Tackle Nuclear Deal, Capital Gains Taxes in Spring Debate

Kati Garrity, Staff Writer March 29, 2016
NYU Democrats and NYU Republicans debated about the Iran Nuclear Deal and Capital-Gains Tax for their spring debate.
Trump As the Lesser of Two Evils

Trump As the Lesser of Two Evils

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer March 21, 2016
While Trump may spout off nonsense and inspire fear and hate in his followers, he isn’t as staunchly devoted to right-wing extremism the same way that Cruz is.
College Republicans and the Politics Society at NYU held a screening of the second Republican debate.

Political groups at NYU host GOP debate screening

Justine Morris, Deputy News Editor September 17, 2015
NYU students offer their thoughts on the Republican debate.