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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Everyone Should Have Manners

Everyone Should Have Manners

Christopher Collado, Contributing Writer February 13, 2017
Even though some might say we are living in drastic times, showing some manners can go a long way in brightening someone’s day.

Read It and Weep: We Need Actual Reading Days

Paris Martineau, Deputy Opinion Editor December 5, 2016
Reading Days are time set aside by the university for students to attempt to piece their lives together in the wake of yet another stressful semester. However, this year, NYU’s official Reading Days fall on the weekend which essentially gives Bobcats zero additional days to study for finals.
Dropping Out Isn’t Cool

Dropping Out Isn’t Cool

Hao Ly, Contributing Writer November 14, 2016
While there are certainly students who have dropped out and became very successful, these cases are few and far between and should not be considered likely.
Despite Election Results, Hate Still Has No Place At NYU

Despite Election Results, Hate Still Has No Place At NYU

WSN Editorial Board November 11, 2016
Every school needs to set a clear precedent: following in the hateful footsteps of our new president-elect is both unacceptable and inexcusable. This is not merely a matter of differing political opinion. This is about the safety and security of our students.
Smoking Outside Bobst Doesn’t Make You Cool

Smoking Outside Bobst Doesn’t Make You Cool

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
NYU students walking past Weinstein or Bobst should not have to continue to be confronted daily by toxic hazes of smoke as they walk to school or work.
Despite Inconsistent Stories, Anti-PC Prof Should Return to Classes

Despite Inconsistent Stories, Anti-PC Prof Should Return to Classes

WSN Editorial Board November 4, 2016
Whether or not Rectenwald’s grievances were valid, his integrity has been challenged by the inaccuracy of his own narrative. His false allegations are evidence that he is not a misunderstood victim, but a hypocrite.
Your Halloween Costume Is Too Basic

Your Halloween Costume Is Too Basic

Thomas Price, Staff Writer October 31, 2016
Whatever you are planning on being for Halloween, please, for the love of all things scary, do not be predictable.
NYU’s Alcohol Policy Needs a Change

NYU’s Alcohol Policy Needs a Change

Jack Campbell, Contributing Writer October 17, 2016
Even though NYU wants dorms to be alcohol-free, students should not be made to feel like the only place they can drink without getting into some form of unknown administrative trouble is in a shady nightclub.
Some may see Philo as an alternative to Netflix or HBO Go, offering users a way to both watch shows live as well as record them to watch on their own time.

Philo Could Take Netflix and Chill To a New Level

Faith Gates, Contributing Writer September 27, 2016
Students in two of NYU's residence halls experiment with Philo, a new streaming service.

Crime Log: April 4-7

Diamond Naga Siu and Greta Chevance April 11, 2016
A weekly round-up of campus crime between April 4 and April 7.
404 Fitness has been both positively and negatively received by NYU students.

New Fitness Center at 404 Lafayette Is Actually Not a Disaster

Yeho Hwang, Staff Writer March 7, 2016
The transition from Coles to 404 Fitness has caused a change in students' workout habits.
NYU Shanghai students are unsatisfied with the new dorms this year.

NYU Shanghai students upset with housing options

Greta Chevance, Staff Writer December 9, 2015
Some NYU students are unhappy with the new NYU Shanghai dorms which opened this year.