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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU's Sexpert, Alyssa LaFosse, is a trained resource for students to consult about their sexual health. (Photo by Aleksandra Goldberg)

Alyssa LaFosse says it’s okay to talk about sex

NYU’s Sexpert is here to talk about anything. Seriously, anything.
Aleksandra Goldberg, Contributing Writer December 10, 2021

Behind the bright, clean doors of NYU’s Student Health Center primary care waiting area sits a small, cozy room — the office of resident HIV counselor and Sexpert, Alyssa LaFosse....

The Health Issue

The Health Issue

Diamond Naga Siu, Editor-in-Chief February 27, 2017

Health comes from the ethereal to very physical — whether a motivational quote gets you through the day or slipping on a condom gets you through the night, many factors help...

High Plastic Surgery Rates Are a Malignant Side-Effect of Porn Industry

High Plastic Surgery Rates Are a Malignant Side-Effect of Porn Industry

Cara Zambrano, Contributing Writer September 15, 2016
By succumbing to plastic surgery, young women accept that their partners' sexual pleasure is more important than their own.
Every Tuesday, “Ask the Sexpert” occurs at the top of the Kimmel steps where  Alyssa LaFosse answers NYU students’ questions about sex.

Ask the Sexpert, Don’t Be Shy

Riley Goodell, Contributing Writer February 16, 2016
NYU's Ask the Sexpert service provides a safe and accepting atmosphere for students to ask questions regarding sexual health.
Zika Virus Does Not Justify Rights Infringement

Zika Virus Does Not Justify Rights Infringement

Connor Borden, Contributing Writer February 8, 2016
The presence of the Zika Virus has led to some governments taking action that infringes on the rights of women to be sexually active.
Sexual Assault Courses Probe for Good Reason

Sexual Assault Courses Probe for Good Reason

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer January 25, 2016
Student privacy an earnest discussion about sexuality are both important -- university administrations must take care not to sacrifice too much of one for the sake of the other.

NYU professors work to improve sex talks between fathers and sons

Ankita Bhanot, Contributing Writer September 16, 2015
Two NYU Silver professors received a $4 million federal grant to enhance father-son communication about sexual health in disadvantaged communitites.