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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The Research Issue

The Research Issue

Miranda Levingston, Deputy News Editor April 3, 2017

Research is contemplation in action. Although it can involve extensive reading and long hours in the lab, it is not a passive activity — research is the pursuit of information...

De-Extinction Is Unnecessary and Immoral

De-Extinction Is Unnecessary and Immoral

Adryan Barlia, Contributing Writer March 29, 2017
Although plans to bring back long-lost species might sound appealing to some, the de-extinction of certain species would be atrocious on not just a financial level, but also on a moral level.
NYU students are participating in psychology studies to earn some extra cash.  Most of these studies take place in Meyer Hall at 4 Washington Place, NYU's main psychology building.

An Inside Look at University Research Studies

Laura Rubio, Staff Writer March 20, 2017
Research studies promise cash, gift cards and other incentives in exchange for student participation, a trade-off that begs the question — what do they actually require you to do?
Letter to the Editor: 'Students Have Concerns About Tandon Physics Department'

Letter to the Editor: ‘Students Have Concerns About Tandon Physics Department’

Lorcan Folan, Chair of the NYU Tandon Department of Applied Physics March 1, 2017
Contrary to the mistaken claim made by the student in your article, the size and quality of our teaching labs are comparable to other schools’. We would like to offer even more opportunities for research for undergraduates, but as with any department, we have finite resources.
Flipped Classroom Model Better for Students

Flipped Classroom Model Better for Students

Hao Ly, Contributing Writer November 21, 2016
What students instead need is a class structure which not only accommodates the different ways students learn but also free up precious class time to allow professors to provide students with necessary guidance.
To encourage NYU students to enter the world of cyber security, Tandon created a scholarship.

This Tandon Scholarship Wants You to Hack It Up

Htoo Min, Contributing Writer November 15, 2016
Tandon created a new full-ride scholarship for aspiring hackers.
Stakes Too High to Decline Testing for Diseases

Stakes Too High to Decline Testing for Diseases

Nadja Zakula, Contributing Writer September 22, 2016
These scientific advancements, along with the emotional comfort entailed in knowing one’s fate and genetic susceptibility, should encourage one to get tested for adult onset conditions such as Huntington’s.
NYU Was Right To Cancel Watson Talk

NYU Was Right To Cancel Watson Talk

Connor Borden, Staff Writer September 20, 2016
It is time to end our glorification of famous and important people in science and other fields in light of their derogatory and backwards ideas.
Techstyles was the theme at this year’s NYU Gallatin Fashion Show.

Gallatin Show Fashions Techstyles

Gabriella Bower, Beauty and Style Editor March 7, 2016
The 5th Annual Gallatin School of Individualized Study Fashion Show: Techstyles explored the intersection of science and fashion.
Elizabeth Fisher started a mentoring program through the College of Arts and Science's Women in Science initiative.

Women In Science Pilots Mentor Program for Freshman Entering STEM Fields

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 23, 2016
A new effort from CAS aims to keep women from dropping out of science and technology majors.
There's Actually Something in the Water: Science Proves NYC Pizza Superior

There’s Actually Something in the Water: Science Proves NYC Pizza Superior

Abigail Weinberg, Deputy Features Editor January 29, 2016
Turns out that New York pizza really is the best, and because of only one secret ingredient: water.
The Women in Science hosted their fall lecture, discussing and tracking viral outbreaks.

Biologists talk pathogens at Women in Science lecture

Farhin Lilywala, Staff Writer November 6, 2015
The NYU Women in Science talked about viral outbreaks at their fall lecture and Q&A on Thursday night.