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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the institutions accessible to NYU students through the recently suspended Museum Gateway program. This forced inaccessibility gives us a unique opportunity to re-evaluate our relationships with museums and their legacy. (Photo by Celia Tewey)

Opinion: The Museum Gateway Program suspension is an opportunity to scrutinize our relationship with museums

While we cannot reverse the suspension of NYU’s Museum Gateway program, we can use this time to re-evaluate our relationships with museums and which ones we, as students, receive free admission to.
Michelle Han, Contributing Writer April 22, 2021

NYU’s Museum Gateway program, which offers free museum admission for students, has remained suspended since last fall due to administration’s COVID-related concerns. The student...

James Joyce, an Irish author and playwright, is currently buried in Zurich, Switzerland. (Via Wikimedia)

A Bone of Contention: Ireland Wants James Joyce Back

As the Dublin City Council calls for the repatriation of Joyce’s remains, debate continues over the writer’s legacy and relationship to his homeland.
Julie Goldberg, Books & Theater Editor October 27, 2019

Halloween is approaching, and one literary legend may be rising from the dead. To be relocated and reinterred, that is. James Joyce is currently buried with his wife Nora Barnacle...