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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Cooper Union Sets Example With Free Tuition

Cooper Union Sets Example With Free Tuition

Beth Sattur, Staff Writer March 28, 2018
New York City colleges should follow Cooper Union's example and work to reduce the cost of tuition or make college free.
The Moses Center Needs a Makeover

The Moses Center Needs a Makeover

WSN Editorial Board March 26, 2018
NYU Moses Center for Students with Disabilities must change the way it treats students in need of its services.
Don’t Reward Sexual Violence

Don’t Reward Sexual Violence

Ali Zimmerman, Deputy Opinion Editor March 26, 2018
Everyone who commits sexual violence should be punished for their actions.
Which Lives March for Our Lives Is Missing

Which Lives March for Our Lives Is Missing

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer March 26, 2018
Mental heath advocates are a missing but necessary voice in the fight against gun violence.
A referee uses VAR to make a call during a game.

Video Assistant Referee in the 2018 FIFA World Cup

Bela Kirpalani, Deputy Sports Editor March 26, 2018
Students are split on the use of Virtual Assistant Referees in soccer.
Puerto Rico’s Crisis Is Far From Over

Puerto Rico’s Crisis Is Far From Over

Paola Nagovitch, Deputy Opinions Editor March 26, 2018
While some efforts for recovery have been made, Puerto Rico is still struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
FDA Is Too Late for JUUL Addicted Teens

FDA Is Too Late for JUUL Addicted Teens

Tyler Crews, Opinion Editor March 26, 2018
The FDA will reduce the nicotine levels in cigarettes but they're probably too late for teens addicted to JUULs.
US Airlines Need Competition to Improve

US Airlines Need Competition to Improve

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer March 23, 2018
Airline companies need to be held to higher customer service standards.
General Education As a Juice Cleanse

General Education As a Juice Cleanse

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer March 22, 2018
The potential benefits of NYU adopting a three-year bachelor's program outweigh the costs.
Katy Kissed a Boy, He Didn’t Like It

Katy Kissed a Boy, He Didn’t Like It

In the era of #MeToo, why are male sexual harassment victims not taken seriously?
Bethany Sattur, Staff Writer March 21, 2018
Katy Perry's nonconsensual kiss with 19-year-old Benjamin glaze shows that male victims of sexual harassment are too often dismissed.
The 'Light' Version of Cell Phones Won’t Conquer Millennials’ Hearts

The ‘Light’ Version of Cell Phones Won’t Conquer Millennials’ Hearts

Dasha Zagurskaya, Staff Writer March 21, 2018
The Light Phone won't disconnect millennials from technology and social media.
Patriarchy in NYPD to Blame for Sexual Harassment

Patriarchy in NYPD to Blame for Sexual Harassment

Tyler Crews, Opinion Editor March 21, 2018
NYPD must address the disparity of power between male and female officers on the force and end the cycle of abuse by male officers.