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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The Monetization of Wellness

The Monetization of Wellness

Katie Peurrung, Deputy Photo Editor April 16, 2018
Wealth should not be health. Healthy choices should be accessible to everyone, regardless of economic class.
Adam Rippon Is a Marketable Gay

Adam Rippon Is a Marketable Gay

Joel Lee, Staff Writer April 16, 2018
Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon has become a gay icon due to his outgoing personality, and I can't help but feel like he is being celebrated because he embodies the ideal way to be gay.
Why I Marched for Science

Why I Marched for Science

Tyler Crews, Opinion Editor April 16, 2018
As a humanities student, I tend to shy away from science. However, I marched with others on Saturday because I recognize the need for science in policymaking.
Racial Purgatory: Between Black and White

Racial Purgatory: Between Black and White

Alejandro Villa Vásquez, Copy Chief April 16, 2018
There is standard of Black and White within society; however, between these two colors exists many others who don't fit the two color mold.
To Remain Relevant, Arts Should Stay Accessible

To Remain Relevant, Arts Should Stay Accessible

Beth Sattur April 13, 2018
Broadway tickets are too expensive for most people to afford. Selling cheaper video recording of the shows could increase inclusivity.
First-Years: Internships Don’t Matter

First-Years: Internships Don’t Matter

Victor Porcelli, Deputy Opinions Editor April 13, 2018
Many first year students believe they should get an internship as soon as possible, but in reality it's better to wait.
Slack Chat: How can student activists better leverage NYU?

Slack Chat: How can student activists better leverage NYU?

Tyler Crews, Natasha Roy and Victor Porcelli April 13, 2018
Three WSN Editors debate NYU's response to the recent NYU SLAM and NYU Divest Kimmel Occupation.
NYU Needs to Take Back the Tap

NYU Needs to Take Back the Tap

Josi Riederer von Paar, Contributing Writer April 12, 2018
NYU needs to take back the tap by banning all sales of plastic water bottles on campus.
Combating Climate Change Begins With Citizens

Combating Climate Change Begins With Citizens

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz, Staff Writer April 11, 2018
Citizens must not only demand that politicians institute green policies but also recognize how they themselves benefit from an unstable environment. Protecting the environment begins with citizens.
Buyer’s Remorse: My College Degree

Buyer’s Remorse: My College Degree

Janice Lee, Contributing Writer April 9, 2018
In your first-year, people tell you that your choice in major will not matter, but I've realized that it does. While I try to move forward in my professional career, my choice in major is holding me back.
Every Immigrant Has a Different Story

Every Immigrant Has a Different Story

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer April 9, 2018
Too many immigrants are profiled to fit an universal immigration experience and persona. Yet, as an immigrant who also strongly identifies as an American, we must stop profiling immigrants.
Early Decision Favors Affluent Students

Early Decision Favors Affluent Students

WSN Editorial Board April 9, 2018
Early Decision application option restricts possibility for socioeconomic diversity at NYU.