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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

On Figuring Out Fashion at NYU

On Figuring Out Fashion at NYU

Alison Zimmerman, Deputy Opinion Editor April 30, 2018
Finding my way at NYU as a stranger in a world of designer fashion.
On Food Culture in Turkey and at NYU

On Food Culture in Turkey and at NYU

Yasmin Gulec, Features Editor April 30, 2018
NYU has broadened my understanding of food culture and given me new outlets to channel my passion for cuisine.
Your Shoes Are Classist, And So Are You

Your Shoes Are Classist, And So Are You

Alejandro Villa Vásquez, Copy Chief April 27, 2018
Homeless chic fashion is offensive and insensitive to the plights of poverty.
Staff Rants: MTA, Sophomore Year and Laurie Metcalf

Staff Rants: MTA, Sophomore Year and Laurie Metcalf

WSN Staff April 24, 2018
This week on staff rants, Tom is angry about MTA fares, Natasha feels stuck in a sophomore slump and Ryan is passionate about Laurie Metcalf and how the world has underrated her.
Elitist Policies Surrounding Stern

Elitist Policies Surrounding Stern

Victor Porcelli, Deputy Opinion Editor April 24, 2018
Elitism in the Stern School of Business should not be ignored. This attitude allows for toxic superiority culture.
Kendrick Lamar Is a Black Artist, Not a Wack Artist

Kendrick Lamar Is a Black Artist, Not a Wack Artist

Janice Lee, Contributing Writer April 23, 2018
After Kendrick Lamar became the first rap artist to win the Pulitzer Prize, the response is telling. Lack of support shows, perhaps, the result of vulgar topics rap sometimes delves into or maybe another institutional barrier against the black community.
Your Hometown Needs Your Vote

Your Hometown Needs Your Vote

Ali Zimmerman, Deputy Opinion Editor April 23, 2018
Make your vote count and register to vote in your home state before the upcoming midterm elections in November.
Don’t Let ‘Sex and the City’ Take Over Our City

Don’t Let ‘Sex and the City’ Take Over Our City

Paola Nagovitch, Deputy Opinion Editor April 23, 2018
Cynthia Nixon is not qualified to be governor of New York.
Cynthia Nixon Embodies Worrying Trend

Cynthia Nixon Embodies Worrying Trend

Victor Porcelli, Deputy Opinions Editor April 20, 2018
With more and more celebrities considering running for political office, it is time to reexamine our standards for elected officials.
The Skinny on Eating Healthy in College

The Skinny on Eating Healthy in College

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz, Contributing Writer April 20, 2018
Eating healthy in college can be a challenge, but with the right planning and motivation, anyone can do it.
Prospective Students Get a Preview of Protests at Weekend on the Square

Prospective Students Get a Preview of Protests at Weekend on the Square

Beth Sattur, Staff Writer April 18, 2018
Weekend on the Square is an ideal time for student activists to protest. Protesting while there are prospective students and families on campus pressures the NYU administration to acknowledge the protesters' demands.
Staff Rants: Food, Class and our Gluttonous Opinion Editor

Staff Rants: Food, Class and our Gluttonous Opinion Editor

WSN Staff April 17, 2018
This week on staff rants, our opinion editor Tyler had to incentivize her staff with candy. While some debated her methods, the result was an increase in staff rants for all of you to enjoy.