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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Identifying with a Group Undermines Your Beliefs

Identifying with a Group Undermines Your Beliefs

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer October 23, 2017
All this means that joining a group neuters us of our ability to consider arguments objectively, be they our own or those of others. People who disagree with us become embodiments of everything we hate
Opinion Pieces are for Opinions, Not Fabrications

Opinion Pieces are for Opinions, Not Fabrications

Melanie Pineda, Staff Writer October 20, 2017
In these dangerous political times, news sources must be held accountable in making sure that opinions stay just that, without attempting to invoke twisted falsehoods to a vulnerable general public.
University Professors Must Refrain From Violent Remarks

University Professors Must Refrain From Violent Remarks

WSN Editorial Staff October 20, 2017
Although it should be encouraged the professors do share their inputs on political issues, that privilege should in no way be taken as permission to express violent and threatening remarks on campus.
Wildfire in California Demonstrates our Vulnerability

Wildfire in California Demonstrates our Vulnerability

Wayne Chen, Staff Writer October 19, 2017
As natural disasters occur more frequently and on a more deadly level than ever, Americans are receiving none other than a wake-up call that they cannot take safety for granted anymore.
Answer in Gerrymandering Case is Clear

Answer in Gerrymandering Case is Clear

Amy Rhee, Contributing Writer October 19, 2017
However, the existence of those institutions does not excuse anti-democratic practices that bolster the power of politicians.
The U.S. Needs to Rethink Mandatory Minimums

The U.S. Needs to Rethink Mandatory Minimums

Emma Bowen, Contributing Writer October 17, 2017
Instead, mandatory minimums have dehumanized defendants and have increased the incarceration rate substantially leading to prisons that don’t have the resources to provide proper rehabilitation to inmates.
Will the Visa Suspension Between the U.S. and Turkey End?

Will the Visa Suspension Between the U.S. and Turkey End?

Anonymous October 17, 2017
For the first time in their diplomatic history, the United States and Turkey have mutually suspended all non-immigrant visa applications such as diplomatic, travel, commerce, employment and even student visas. I heard this news from someone very close to me back in Turkey. I did not want believe it.
Read It Out Loud: ‘I Agree With Eminem’

Read It Out Loud: ‘I Agree With Eminem’

Adryan Barlia, Deputy Opinion Editor October 16, 2017
Eminem has now been solidified in his status as an influencer in the political war that is always brewing in relevance to our President’s actions and remarks. What Eminem now says matters and the thought of that statement sounds like words that I'd have never thought I’d say when it came to Eminem and politics.
NCAA Takes Advantage of Athletes

NCAA Takes Advantage of Athletes

Wayne Chen, Contributing Writer October 16, 2017
High-level, competitive intercollege sport is an extremely profitable business. While the amount is smaller than that of professional sports leagues, proportional wise, it can still sum up to a hefty amount for any college student.
NYU PEP Deserves Expansion

NYU PEP Deserves Expansion

WSN Editorial Staff October 16, 2017
NYU PEP is an excellent example of the NYU administration living up to the values they preach
White Men Win Nobel Prize Again

White Men Win Nobel Prize Again

Tyler Crews, Deputy Sports Editor October 16, 2017
When I look at the list of 2017 laureates, I do not feel inspired. I, a woman, am less likely to be recognized for my efforts in academics than a man.
The Rise of the Right in Germany… and Probably The Entire Western World

The Rise of the Right in Germany… and Probably The Entire Western World

Mert Erenel, Contributing Writer October 13, 2017
The rise in global terrorism, the refugee crisis and the euro crisis have all led people to change their political views towards the right. But that change became more representative of how poorly established governments handled these issues.