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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Street photograph of the front entrance of the NYU College of Dentistry.

NYU Dentistry Creates Task Force After Students Raise Concerns

In response to a newsletter addressing racism at NYU's College of Dentistry, the new Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion aims to address these problems. Concerned community members feel anti-racist actions should be taken in addition to properly address ongoing issues within the College of Dentistry.
Roshni Raj, Deputy News Editor September 4, 2020

As the country continues to focus on the persistence of racial inequality, NYU College of Dentistry’s Dean Charles Bertolami created a task force to address and uphold a culture...

The NYU College Democrats attended the College Democrats of America National Convention in Las Vegas where it was named Chapter of the Year.

NYU College Democrats Named Best Chapter

Natasha Roy, Assistant Managing Editor October 30, 2017
The NYU College Democrats were named Chapter of the Year by the College Democrats of America.

NYUCD is the College Democratic Chapter for NYU. They serve as a liberal voice pushing for change and a voice for the left.

College Democrats Form Task Forces

Sakshi Venkatraman, Contributing Writer September 18, 2017
The NYU College Democrats are abandoning their executive board system and are replacing it with several task forces.
Liberals Must Focus on Civil Discourse

Liberals Must Focus on Civil Discourse

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 27, 2017
The conflict between NYU Anti-fascists and the NYU College Republicans has shown that there is an immense divide between left- and right-leaning political groups on campus. However, both sides of the political spectrum need to become more open to differing opinions and promote civil discourse.
New York City public advocate Letitia James worked with NYUCS to launch the "Give Kids A Smile" Initiative to help increase access to oral health care nationwide and free dental services to low-income children.

NYU dentistry helps Give Kids a Smile

Katherine Stein, Contributing Writer February 18, 2015
NYUCD and NYC public advocate Letitia James launched the "Give Kids A Smile" Initiative.