New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Dining tables and chairs in the foreground and food court vendors in the background.

Did Upstein get an upgrade? A vegetarian’s review

One vegetarian’s thoughts on the new and not-so-improved Upstein dining hall.
Sarah Whitacre, Contributing Writer September 8, 2022

Though it was before my time, I often hear upperclassmen reminiscing about the days of yore, when Downstein’s upstairs neighbor had Chick-fil-A and Jamba Juice. Those days are...

(Photo by Noma Mirny)

The unpalatable reality of NYU dining

NYU’s dining halls leave much to be desired for students with dietary restrictions.
Aditi Sharma, Contributing Writer February 18, 2022

Googling the closest vegan restaurant near you and only getting two options in a five-mile radius. Eating your pre-portioned, well-balanced meal prep before lunch with friends...

NYU’s inadequate quarantine meals gained some internet notoriety especially on video platform TikTok over the last 14 days. Students reflect on their experiences with viral video and news reports and find a silver lining from the chaos. (Photo by Cristina Diaz)

NYU Quarantine Meals Leave Students With a Taste of TikTok Fame

After NYU’s quarantine meal service proved to be insufficient, inconsistent and often inedible, students quickly learned that the less food they received, the more TikTok followers they gained. Despite the unfortunate circumstances, some students have found a silver lining in their newfound fame.
Divya Nelakonda, Beauty & Style Editor September 2, 2020

Just days into the mandatory 14-day quarantine, NYU students were served the now-infamous watermelon chicken salad. The strange combination was one of several poorly executed meals...

Beans and lentils are a common way for vegan and vegetarian students to incorporate protein into their meals. (via Wikimedia Commons)

NYU Vegan and Vegetarian Students Talk Protein

Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering changing your diet.
Andrea Pineda-Salgado, Staff Writer October 14, 2019

If there’s one thing vegans get tired of hearing, it’s the question, “But if you can’t eat meat, where do you get your protein?” Luckily, we found some experienced students...