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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

International Students Should Be Engaged in American Politics

International Students Should Be Engaged in American Politics

Cara Zambrano, Staff Writer November 21, 2016
While international students are only here, theoretically, to get an education, they should be aware and critical of American politics and they should protest.
Gramercy Hate Crime Raises Tough Questions

Gramercy Hate Crime Raises Tough Questions

WSN Editorial Board November 18, 2016
Regardless of intent, this was a hate crime and must be treated as such.
Post-Election Care of Students Isn’t Coddling

Post-Election Care of Students Isn’t Coddling

WSN Editorial Board November 14, 2016
In a situation where a large majority of students are emotionally compromised and unable to perform their work, it is the job of the professor to recognize that and accommodate accordingly.
Dropping Out Isn’t Cool

Dropping Out Isn’t Cool

Hao Ly, Contributing Writer November 14, 2016
While there are certainly students who have dropped out and became very successful, these cases are few and far between and should not be considered likely.
Despite Election Results, Hate Still Has No Place At NYU

Despite Election Results, Hate Still Has No Place At NYU

WSN Editorial Board November 11, 2016
Every school needs to set a clear precedent: following in the hateful footsteps of our new president-elect is both unacceptable and inexcusable. This is not merely a matter of differing political opinion. This is about the safety and security of our students.
Smoking Outside Bobst Doesn’t Make You Cool

Smoking Outside Bobst Doesn’t Make You Cool

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
NYU students walking past Weinstein or Bobst should not have to continue to be confronted daily by toxic hazes of smoke as they walk to school or work.
Majors and Non-Majors Orgo Should Not Be Separate Courses

Majors and Non-Majors Orgo Should Not Be Separate Courses

Aparna Alankar, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
NYU needs to abolish the separation between non-major and majors Orgo courses.
Subway Ads Aren’t Enough to Stop Manspreading

Subway Ads Aren’t Enough to Stop Manspreading

Emma Rudd, Contributing Writer November 4, 2016
The addition of a few subway ads has failed to attack men's behavioral problems in their entirety.
Your Halloween Costume Is Too Basic

Your Halloween Costume Is Too Basic

Thomas Price, Staff Writer October 31, 2016
Whatever you are planning on being for Halloween, please, for the love of all things scary, do not be predictable.