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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A concrete guard tower overlooks rubble and trash lying in the shadow of the tall, concrete Israeli West Bank separation barrier, which is covered in graffiti.

Opinion: NYU, shut down the Tel Aviv study abroad site

Amnesty International released a report last month concluding that Israel is guilty of perpetrating apartheid and other violations of international law against Palestinians. NYU’s Tel Aviv academic center and partnership with Tel Aviv University is nothing short of complacency and, by extension, complicity.
Trace Miller, Managing Editor March 1, 2022

NYU should shut down its Tel Aviv study abroad site. Maintaining an academic center in Israel signals complacency toward — and, thereby, complicity in — the apartheid, crimes...

Amidst the chaos of remote learning, GCASL’s free yoga sessions have also shifted onto Zoom. Students reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of yoga at home. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Yoga Adjusts to a Virtual Reality

Students try to find some balance as the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life programs, including yoga and meditation classes, shift to Zoom.
Sabrina Choudhary, Staff Writer April 21, 2020

As I’m lying on my living room floor with my laptop perched on the mantel on a Saturday morning. I try to empty my mind, keeping my eyes closed, a yoga instructor’s disembodied...