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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Journalism as a Form of Advocacy

Journalism as a Form of Advocacy

It’s important to recognize how activism and journalism intersect, rather than existing independent of one another.
Melanie Pineda, Opinion Editor May 9, 2019

Last year, student journalist Rebecca Schneid from Stoneman Douglas High School — the site of a deadly 2018 school shooting — gained lots of media attention after claiming...

There Are No Facts Left to Check in 2016

There Are No Facts Left to Check in 2016

WSN Editorial Board October 17, 2016
People who are running to be the next leader of the free world should not necessitate constant fact checking — ideally, there would be some truth to the messages they espouse.
‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Aren’t Helping Anyone

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Aren’t Helping Anyone

Melanie Pineda, Staff Writer October 17, 2016
Sure, social media helps us connect to a worldwide audience far quicker and easier than any other platform, but thoughts and prayers don’t mean much if they reach those in actual need too late.
Officer Discipline Records Need Transparency

Officer Discipline Records Need Transparency

September 6, 2016
The NYPD has demonstrated a complete unwillingness to listen to public demand for greater accountability.
What’s Bad for America is Bad for Journalism

What’s Bad for America is Bad for Journalism

WSN Editorial Board March 23, 2016
The rampant corporate influence on news coverage this election cycle threatens the integrity of journalism and American democracy.