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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Fusion Film Festival is an annual festival run by Tisch students and faculty that promotes women in the film industry.

Fusion Film Festival Highlights Women

Brooke LaMantia, Staff Writer April 16, 2018
NYU's Fusion Film Festival celebrated women in film and TV through showcasing their work and hosting panels that offered young female filmmakers advice on advancing their careers.
Fearful of the President-Elect’s proposed changes to health care, women have been looking for long term contraceptive methods, including the IUD.

Your Guide to Getting an IUD at NYU

Paris Martineau, Deputy Opinion Editor November 28, 2016
An NYU student's guide to easily getting an IUD on campus, especially in the wake of Trump's election, which has left many women nationwide — and women at NYU — wondering if they will be able to financially maintain their sexual autonomy.

IUD’s Are the Ticket to Sexual Liberation for Women

Paris Martineau, Contributing Writer February 4, 2016
Even if a pediatrician does refer the patient to a trained gynecologist, many teenagers are too frightened by the possibility of a birth control-related statement being found on their parents’ health insurance bill to follow through with the process.