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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Style icons become more accessible

Kaitlyn McNab, Contributing Writer September 8, 2015
Style icons have become less about brand names and more about originality and online presence.

Get your ‘gram on with these NYC views

Alex Bazeley, News Editor August 29, 2015
Some of the best views this city has to offer.
Emily Carlo has almost 40,000 followers on her Instagram account, Miss New Foodie. Miss New Foodie also has a Tumblr blog and a Facebook page.

Sophomore finds Instagram fame

Kendall Levison, Staff Writer April 14, 2015
NYU student's Instagram account is popular among food lovers.
Instagram dominates NYU

Instagram dominates NYU

Francesca Conlin, Contributing Writer April 6, 2015
A commentary on the "Instagram hype" including quotes from NYU students with strong Instagram followings
Left to right: @cremedelachic, @fashionista_com, @iamgalla, @runawayinla, @zanarassi

Instagram accounts that explore fashion, style

Lauren Craddock, Staff Writer April 2, 2015
The top 5 NYC-based Instagrams to follow for style inspiration.
Top 5 New York City food Instagrams to follow

Top 5 New York City food Instagrams to follow

Sue Liang, Contributing Writer September 2, 2014
Five NYC food Instagram accounts to follow.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

Think tank analyzes Instagram future

Kavish Harjai, News Editor February 26, 2014
L2 ThinkTank and Olapic released their 2014 Instagram intelligence report which analyzed brand advertising on Instagram.
Facebook drinking game necessitates individual responsibility

Facebook drinking game necessitates individual responsibility

February 19, 2014
Facebook cannot accept responsibility for its users' actions.
Instagram should not have advertisements

Instagram should not have advertisements

November 6, 2013
As Facebook finally tries to cash in on Instagram for even more income, Instagramers bemoan the loss of a once ad-free social network.
Courtesy of

TheyPosted Keeps fans posted on stars’ daily lives

September 17, 2012
This start-up site dedicated to posting celebrity snapshots gives fans a new window into stars' everyday lives.