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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A group of protesters poses in front of the Washington Square Arch for a photo. In the middle is a banner that reads “Abortion Access Day of Action.”

Guest Essay: Linda Mills, we demand action on reproductive health care

In an open letter to NYU’s next president, students from the university’s chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America call for better access to reproductive health care on campus.
Averi Chen, Samantha Del Rio and Erin Lawson February 23, 2023

The authors of this letter are members of the NYU chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America. It is addressed to Linda Mills, who, earlier this month, was appointed...

Tomaso Falchetta, Head of Advocacy and Policy Team of Privacy International, delves into how the use of a technology like biotech can stray from its original intentions, putting innocent people at risk. On Tuesday at the  Brennan Center for Justice held a panel concerning human rights and biometric tools with experts from the UN Security Council, Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, Privacy International, and Human Rights Center. (Staff photo by Min Ji Kim)

Counter-Terrorism Experts Warn of Human Rights Issues With Facial Recognition, Other Biometrics

Although biometrics, which uses a subject’s face or fingerprints to collect data or track them, can be helpful in combatting terrorism, experts say a lack of regulation could lead to discrimination and human rights abuses.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor October 2, 2019

NYU students may think of their iPhones when they hear the phrase “facial recognition,” but a panel of experts talked about its potential positive effects in combating terrorism,...