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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A graphic of a letter titled “GSOC-UAW Local 2110, Making A Better N.Y.U Since 1998” on a purple background.

GSOC accuses NYU of canceling pro-Palestinian events, criticizes disciplinary action

NYU’s graduate student union claimed the university has targeted students and workers for promoting pro-Palestinian speech in a statement in response to the university’s recent student conduct report.
Adrianna Nehme and Yezen Saadah December 5, 2023

NYU’s graduate student union accused the university of canceling “several” pro-Palestinian events in a statement on Monday, also claiming there has been a “deeply concerning...

A protester wearing a green sweater and a pearl necklace is holding a sign that says ‘Undergrads for GSOC.

Course assistants to receive $1.7 million in missing back pay

NYU recently finalized a yearslong grievance with its graduate student union, which demanded over $1 million in backdated hourly pay for hundreds of course assistants.
Yezen Saadah, News Editor September 21, 2023

NYU’s graduate student union announced that it resolved an outstanding grievance with the university last week, granting over 600 course assistants more than $1 million in missing...

A person holding up a paperboard sign that reads “COMMUNITY SOLIDARITY WITH G.S.O.C.” There is a purple flag of N.Y.U hanging from a building in the background.

NYU course assistants demand $1.3 million in missing back pay

The university’s graduate student union is calling on NYU to compensate course assistants for back pay included in a summer 2022 settlement.
Yezen Saadah, News Editor April 27, 2023

Andrea Ho, a second-year in the Graduate School of Arts & Science, spent the 2021-22 academic year as a course assistant at the school, working 10 to 20 hours per week grading...

Brad Hoylman, Noah Rosenblum, Alice Fontier, and Tasleemah Lawal sit at a panel discussion event. All four are wearing formal attire, including dark-colored blazers. Above the panelists is a screen projecting a video recording of the panel. In front of the panelists are members of the audience sitting in chairs listening to the discussion.

NYU profs, local politicians address sudden resignation of chief NY judge

The Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at the NYU School of Law hosted a teach-in about the vacancy of the New York Court of Appeals chief judge position at D’Agostino Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 2.
Yezen Saadah, Staff Writer November 4, 2022

An NYU School of Law panel discussed solutions to address the current vacancy of the chief justice of the highest court in New York on Wednesday, Nov. 2. The person who fills the...

The facade of a limestone brick building with a gold plaque on it, which reads “New York University / Institute of Fine Arts / The James B. Duke House.”

Students pressure NYU admin to keep Institute of Fine Arts building open

After the Institute of Fine Arts administration announced that the program’s library would close April 28-May 3, students were left scrambling the week before finals. 
Maria Freyre, Senior Staff Writer April 28, 2022

After Institute of Fine Arts students protested the scheduled six-day closure of the department’s main building for a corporate event, the administration canceled its plans on...

Members of the Graduate Student Organizing Committee at NYU are starting voting tomorrow on whether to authorize a strike after NYU has failed to produce a new contract for graduate workers represented by the union and employed by the university. (Photo Courtesy of GSOC)

Graduate workers announce strike vote as contract deadlock continues

After nine months of bargaining with NYU have failed to produce a satisfactory contract, GSOC has called a strike authorization vote.
Arnav Binaykia, Deputy News Editor March 22, 2021

Members of the Graduate Student Organizing Committee will start voting tomorrow on whether to authorize a strike after nine months of bargaining with NYU have failed to produce...

Support GSOC to Protect NYU

Support GSOC to Protect NYU

The gains that University of Michigan’s Graduate Employees’ Organization made through its strike shows that GSOC and its negotiating power should be at the forefront in any fight to support and accommodate the NYU community.
Jun Sung, Deputy Managing Editor September 28, 2020

The Graduate Employees’ Organization at the University of Michigan organized a strike on Sept. 8 in response to the university’s plans to reopen its campus and the lack of...

(Staff Illustration by Sophia Di Iorio)

Some Students Welcome Ronell’s Return, Others Denounce It

Despite a Title IX investigation finding Professor Avital Ronell sexually harassed a student — for which some have called on NYU to fire her — many students sought out her first class back from a one-year suspension.
Lisa Cochran and Victor Porcelli September 9, 2019

NYU Professor Avital Ronell — who a Title IX investigation found guilty of sexually harassing a graduate student  mentee — returned on Friday to a crowd of students and one...

The Graduate Student Organizing Committee is calling for NYU to fire professor Avital Ronell, who was suspended last year for sexual harassment. (Photo courtesy GSOC)

NYU Responds to GSOC Petition that Avital Ronell be Fired

The graduate student union called on NYU to fire the professor who was found to have sexually harassed a student.
Victor Porcelli, News Editor September 6, 2019

NYU defended its response to Avital Ronell’s harassment of a graduate student in an open letter to the graduate student union on Thursday. The union had called for the professor’s...