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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Stop Toying With Gender Stereotypes

Stop Toying With Gender Stereotypes

Allison De La Bastida, Staff Writer November 30, 2017
We are molded into gender roles for the future just by the influence of the plastic items in our hands. This all stems from the idea that there has to be a defined line between girl toys and boy toys.
End Gender Barriers for Male Teachers

End Gender Barriers for Male Teachers

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer April 20, 2016
Fighting the outmoded stereotypes about male teachers will improve education for all students.
Modern families need a push for paternity leave

Modern families need a push for paternity leave

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer November 29, 2015
True gender equality is unattainable until the stigma against men taking on traditionally feminine roles stops.