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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Earlier this week, Washington Square Park was the venue for an impromptu “rave” attended by a crowd of young people. NY Governor Cuomo and NYU Spokesman John Beckman have argued over the university’s jurisdiction to break up the crowd of people. (Photo by Alex Bazeley)

Cuomo Blasts NYU for Not Breaking Up Rave

NYU replied that it had no jurisdiction to do so and attempted to rectify seemingly contradictory statements.
Matthew Fischetti, News Editor September 10, 2020

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo ripped into NYU’s administration for failing to break up the Sept. 5 rave, which is suspected to have been attended by NYU students. “You...

NYPD, Stay Out Of Our Restaurants

NYPD, Stay Out Of Our Restaurants

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recent plan to reopen indoor dining and use the New York Police Department to enforce social distancing will only place Black and indigenous people of color in more danger. Instead, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene should shut down noncompliant restaurants.
Kevin Kurian, Deputy Opinion Editor September 8, 2020

As the pandemic rages on, city and state government officials are brainstorming plans to reopen indoor dining in New York City. While restaurants outside of the five boroughs have...

NYU students go through mandatory COVID-19 testing at the testing site on Gould Plaza prior to the start of classes. New York Governor Cuomo unveils new policy that would mandate two weeks remote learning for any university reporting 100 COVID-19  cases or a number of COVID-19  cases exceeding 5% of the student population. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

NY State Says One-Hundred COVID-19 Cases Means Remote Learning for NYU

Here’s what NYU is doing to prevent that.
Trace Miller, Deputy News Editor August 31, 2020

If 100 or more members of the NYU campus community test positive for COVID-19, the entire university will have to transition to remote learning for at least two weeks; Gov. Andrew...

Many universities have placed their campuses in NYC. College students from NYC schools recently spoke with local and state officials about various issues they currently face. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

Elected Officials Address NYC College Students’ Pandemic Concerns

Senator Robert Jackson, Assemblymember Deborah Glick and Assemblymember Harvey Epstein responded to COVID-19-related concerns from students representing universities and colleges across New York City.
Emily Mason, News Editor May 4, 2020

New York Elected Representatives and New York City college students discussed issues facing college students in the age of COVID-19. Student representatives from Young Invincibles...

New Yorkers Don’t Deserve Petty Politics

New Yorkers Don’t Deserve Petty Politics

The recent feud between Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio shows disunified leadership only hurts coronavirus efforts.
WSN Editorial Board April 13, 2020

On Saturday, April 11, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio closed public schools for the remainder of the academic year due to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus as...

Survivors of Abuse Are Not Safe in Quarantine

Survivors of Abuse Are Not Safe in Quarantine

As New York has issued stay-at-home orders, it has simultaneously endangered survivors of domestic violence, trapping them at home with no means of escape. The government needs to take urgent action to protect survivors, not subject them to more trauma.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor April 10, 2020

Content warning: this article contains mentions of domestic violence. The coronavirus pandemic and government-imposed lockdowns have made surviving increasingly difficult and...

Holding Leaders More Accountable in Crisis, Not Less

Holding Leaders More Accountable in Crisis, Not Less

Though some of his actions have been integral to dealing with the coronavirus crisis and should be a good example for other states to follow, many of Governor Cuomo’s policies in both the past and the present have been harmful to the state’s efforts.
WSN Editorial Board April 6, 2020

During this time of crisis, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has become a figure of admiration for many Americans looking for a dependable political authority to feel protected....

Hofstetter reflects on her bangs days after cutting them. She has decided on a positive outlook, though dislikes the negative perception of her mental health. (Staff photo by Abby Hofstetter)

Yes, I Got Quarantine Bangs

No, I did not cut them myself.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor March 26, 2020

Let me preface this by saying that I did not cut my own hair. I’ve wanted bangs for a while. Actually, I’m not sure if I wanted bangs as much as I was curious to see what...

The Exploitation of Prisoners During Crisis

The Exploitation of Prisoners During Crisis

As the coronavirus spreads across the state, New York is shifting the responsibility of combating the outbreak onto incarcerated people and is paying them around 60 cents an hour to do it.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor March 13, 2020

New York State is in the middle of a grave public health crisis, with the second-highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country. The way that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s...

People gather at Washington Square Park to raise awareness of early voting dates. (Staff photo by Lisa Cochran)

Proponents of Early Voting Rally in Washington Square Park

Supporters gathered in Washington Square Park to get the word out about New York’s new early voting laws enacted in January by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Lisa Cochran, Deputy News Editor October 23, 2019

In an effort to raise awareness about New York’s brand-new voting protocol, a crowd of around 30 early voting advocates gathered in rows on the steps facing the Garibaldi statue...

alexandra chan

Voting in New York Almost Got Harder

The deadline to register as a voter is approaching, but Governor Cuomo wanted it even earlier.
Alexandra Chan, Staff Writer September 23, 2019

In early September, Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed changing the date of New York’s 2020 presidential primary from April to February, claiming he wanted to stress the importance...

Regulation, Not Prohibition

Regulation, Not Prohibition

With e-cigarette flavor bans on both the national and state level, it is important to recognize why prohibition would not work.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor September 23, 2019

During Prohibition, the United States banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol. As a result, the U.S. saw the rise of an illegal black market and an unregulated...