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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Sexual Harassment Isn’t Just Political

Sexual Harassment Isn’t Just Political

Shraddha Jajal, Contributing Writer September 13, 2017
Title IX is not about politics, but about a human being's right to be protected and seek justice. No administration should be able to take that away.
Banning the Box to Counter an Unfair Justice System

Banning the Box to Counter an Unfair Justice System

Emily Fong, Opinion Editor October 3, 2016
The occasional admission of students with possible criminal backgrounds — like Wolfgang Ballinger — should not damage the reputation of the Ban the Box movement.
NYU didn't completely ban the box this past August, and students with previous violations of rape and sexual assault are still allowed to attend the university.

Enrollment of Student Accused of Rape Brings Up Ban the Box Questions

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor September 23, 2016
A student who was suspended from Cornell for sexual assault now attends NYU, and students are torn about the ban-the-box discussion.
Militant Protests Miss The Point

Militant Protests Miss The Point

Riya Patil, Contributing Writer September 12, 2016
Though it’s appalling and shameful that Turner only served three months for his crime, the fact of the matter is that he did so completely in line with our justice system.
The Brock Turner Law Won’t Catch Privileged Rapists

The Brock Turner Law Won’t Catch Privileged Rapists

Emily Fong, Opinion Editor September 7, 2016
The fallout from mandatory minimum laws hardly fits the profile of Brock Turner’s life: white, educated and wealthy.
The Hypocrisy of University Moral Codes

The Hypocrisy of University Moral Codes

Richard Shu, Opinion Editor May 2, 2016
Honor codes like BYU’s are simply artifacts of an older generation who are content to have children seen and not heard.
New York Must Lead Reform on Sexual Assault Laws

New York Must Lead Reform on Sexual Assault Laws

WSN Editorial Board February 24, 2016
New York State should be leading the nation in establishing rights for sexual assault victims, not lagging behind the rest of the country.
General perception of sexual consent woefully distorted

General perception of sexual consent woefully distorted

Lena Rawley, Contributing Columnist September 26, 2014
Media representations of sex do not always promote consent, leading consumers to believe that consent is not a necessary part of sexual intimacy.