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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

House Editorial

Incompetence and Disaster in the Democratic Party

Incompetence and Disaster in the Democratic Party

After the disaster of the Iowa Democratic caucuses and the Senate’s acquittal of President Trump, it is clear that the Democratic Party is too incompetent to be an important force against the president and the Republican Party.
WSN Editorial Board February 10, 2020

On Feb. 6, President Trump was acquitted of his impeachment charges by the United States Senate. This was after the House of Representatives impeached him over a whistleblower’s...

Interpreting Silence: What NYU's Low Title IX Complaints Mean

Interpreting Silence: What NYU’s Low Title IX Complaints Mean

Data released on Title IX complaints in New York State have statistics that show NYU, and other universities, have serious distrust issues with its student body, as well as the fact that the administration refuses to address the problem.
WSN Editorial Board February 3, 2020

On Jan. 27, the New York State Education Department released its data report on Title IX complaints from college campuses across the state. It is a result of the “Enough is Enough”...

The University’s Place in the Climate Crisis

The University’s Place in the Climate Crisis

The discussions at Davos in the midst of the Australian wildfires is a reminder of why university students should be among those in the fight against the ravaging of the earth.
WSN Editorial Board January 27, 2020

Wildfires have raged in Australia since Jul. 2019, killing 28 people and millions of animals. They have burned through the continent with about 12.35 million acres of land damaged,...

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

Our editorial board looks back at the most important issues of the semester. From protecting abusers to neglecting its dining facilities, our university continues to ignore key student concerns in favor of its own priorities.
WSN Editorial Board December 2, 2019

Throughout the semester, we’ve been trying to understand NYU’s treatment of its students — more specifically, whether NYU is implicitly pro- or anti-student. A pro-student...

How NYU Wellness Sees Itself — and Why That Image Is Wrong

How NYU Wellness Sees Itself — and Why That Image Is Wrong

After recently promoting a questionably-sourced article on the Student Health Center, NPR has misrepresented NYU’s wellness resources, failing to recognize student voices.
WSN Editorial Board November 25, 2019

On Thursday, NPR tweeted out an article by WGBH News, a Boston-based radio station, calling NYU’s wellness services “a national model.” The article, the final part of a four-part...

Can We Move on From a Recurring Tragedy?

Can We Move on From a Recurring Tragedy?

Following three shootings this past weekend, it’s hard to maintain hope for a better future and even harder to move forward.
WSN Editorial Board November 18, 2019

Like so many others, this past weekend was defined by gun violence. On Thursday, a student murdered two of his classmates at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, CA. On Friday,...

Courtesy Meals Shouldn’t Come at a Price

Courtesy Meals Shouldn’t Come at a Price

Students were outraged after their financial aid was used for Courtesy Meals, which were initially promoted as free. Despite NYU's claim it has corrected the issue, the quiet charges are telling of how the university treats lower-income students.
WSN Editorial Board November 11, 2019

Students recently reported having financial aid, previously awarded for scholarships or work-study, be redistributed to pay for usage of the Courtesy Meals Program — which provides...

Stand With LS Professors, Even if NYU Won’t

Stand With LS Professors, Even if NYU Won’t

Professors hope to unionize for better working conditions in the university’s second-largest undergraduate program. NYU students, LS or otherwise, must hold the university accountable.
WSN Editorial Board November 4, 2019

Last week, professors within the Liberal Studies program confirmed that they’re looking to unionize due to dissatisfaction with their treatment by the university. The LS faculty...

NYU’s Artificial Affordability Issue

NYU’s Artificial Affordability Issue

Despite making affordability a primary issue in his administration, financial decisions made by the university — particularly Hamilton’s annual income — reflect the deep hypocrisy of NYU’s affordability campaign.
WSN Editorial Board October 28, 2019

Since beginning his tenure as NYU’s president, Andrew Hamilton has stated that making the university affordable is his top priority. This has manifested in a number of ways —...

The Ethical Dilemma of NYU’s Board of Trustees

The Ethical Dilemma of NYU’s Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees sets the rules for NYU and its community. But are the trustees following their own rules?
WSN Editorial Board October 21, 2019

NYU’s Board of Trustees has the final say on all university decisions. Despite being a mysterious body, largely detached from the day-to-day of university life, the Board’s...

Why Doesn’t NYU Release a Full  Financial Report?

Why Doesn’t NYU Release a Full Financial Report?

NYU’s 2017 income tax returns reveal an incomplete picture of the university’s finances. To show students where their tuition goes, NYU should release an annual financial report, starting with the fiscal year of 2017.
WSN Editorial Board October 15, 2019

NYU’s recently published 2017 tax returns show that the university has made some questionable financial decisions — like overpaying former university administrators and underfunding...

NYU Is Neglecting Students’ Health With Dining Hall Failures

NYU Is Neglecting Students’ Health With Dining Hall Failures

By choosing to not tell its students about health code violations at Palladium Food Court, NYU has put the health of its community at risk.
WSN Editorial Board October 7, 2019

On Tuesday, WSN reported that Palladium Food Court had failed a health inspection. The inspection, conducted by New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, found...