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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


While studying abroad in Paris, Anne Cruz captures her favorite place, the Chateau of Versailles.

Paris: The Palace of Versailles Is a Dream, No Matter How Touristy

Anne Cruz, Abroad Editor November 11, 2016
Versailles may be a tourist attraction, but Abroad Editor Anne Cruz loves it nonetheless.

WATCH: The Shanghai Study Abroad Experience

Alexis Zerafa, Contributing Writer November 11, 2016

I’m Alexis, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study in Shanghai for the fall of 2016. I want to do everything in my power to remember this wonderful...

Tel Aviv can offer an escape from the hectic 2016 presidential election.

Tel Aviv: Some Electioneers Abroad

Tommy Collison, Contributing Writer November 8, 2016
Tommy Collison is neither a citizen nor a current resident of the United States, but he's certainly still thinking about the presidential election.
The views at Torres del Paine are so incredible that they can make a person feel one with nature.

Buenos Aires: Coming Out of a Dream

Ellen Cooper, Contributing Writer October 24, 2016
Ellen Cooper grapples with the ordinariness of her sightseeing experiences in Latin America.
Entertainment, such as watching movies, helps close the cultural divide.

Beijing: Living in the Layers of the City

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer October 24, 2016
Matthew Perry describes his experience studying abroad in Beijing not so much as assimilation, but as comfortable disorientation.
Prior to landing at his study away site, Tommy Collison takes an aerial shot of Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean.

Tel Aviv: Go Tel it From the Mountain

Tommy Collison, Contributing Writer October 17, 2016
In Tel Aviv, people tend to befriend each other based on their personality traits, not their political opinions.
The village of Sintra, Portugal, from one of the castles there.

Madrid: Enjoying the Unexpected

Jessica Martinez, Social Media Editor October 17, 2016
Jessica Martinez spent a month in Madrid this summer, and though she didn't feel fully prepared for the experience, it's one she'll never forget.
View of the Lincoln memorial from the World War 2 memorial.

D.C.: Figuring Out Why I’m Here

Hannah Shulman, Editor-at-Large October 17, 2016
Hannah Shulman explores her decision to study away through a series of photos.
With so many cultural differences between NYC and Ghana, a study abroad trip to Accra can be greatly eye-opening.

Ghana: Learning to Love my Dark Skin

Dejarelle Gaines, Highlighter Editor October 11, 2016
Highlighter Editor Dejarelle Gaines recounts her experience in Ghana and how it affected her perception of beauty and self.
Hailey Baldwin was one of many spotted at Fashion Week in Paris.

Paris: A Ticketless Student’s Guide to Paris Fashion Week

Haley Crawford, Contributing Writer October 11, 2016
How do you get to rub shoulders with some of fashion's hottest names? Stalk them at Paris Fashion Week, of course!
When the weather allows for it, students at NYU Paris, like local Parisians, hang their laundry outside their balconies to dry.

Paris: Laundry Is Part of the Picture

Audrey Deng, Staff Writer October 11, 2016
For the first week of my semester in Paris, all I could think about was laundry.
Stack of rocket shells destroyed by the Iron Dome

Studying Abroad 2.0

Tommy Collison, Contributing Writer October 3, 2016
International students are technically already studying abroad. These are the recollections of an Irish student studying in Tel Aviv.