Crime Log: Oct. 27 to Nov. 2

Sakshi Venkatraman, Deputy News Editor

The NYU Department of Public Safety received one report of disorderly conduct, two reports of criminal mischief, two reports of a controlled substance, seven reports of larceny, three reports of harassment, one report of trespassing and one report of simple assault from Oct. 27 to Nov. 2.

Disorderly Conduct

On Oct. 27 at 12:58 p.m., an NYU Dental Center staff member reported that a patient became verbally aggressive towards a staff member and refused to leave the premises. Police were notified, and the patient was escorted out of the building without further incident. The case is closed and no arrest was made.

Criminal Mischief

On Oct. 27 at 1:58 p.m., an NYU staff member reported that a flyer on a Third North Residence Hall bulletin board appeared to be burnt. No other damage was reported. A police report was filed, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Nov. 2 at 12:10 a.m., an NYU student reported that his laptop was purposely damaged by an unknown person at Greenwich Residence Hall. Police notification was declined, and the report is open and under investigation.

Controlled Substance

On Oct. 27 at 1:37 a.m., Public Safety responded to a report of an alleged controlled substance violation and recovered a small amount of marijuana from a residence in Greenwich Hall. The case was closed and referred to the Office of Community Standards.

On Nov. 1 at 11:38 p.m., Public Safety responded to a report of an alleged controlled substance violation and recovered a small amount of marijuana from a residence at University Residence Hall. The case was closed and referred to the Office of Community Standards.


On Oct. 28 at 9:30 p.m., an NYU student reported that his medication was missing from his dorm room in Rubin Residence Hall. A police report was filed, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Oct. 31 at 1:08 p.m., an NYU student reported that her bookbag, wallet and laptop were missing from the second floor hall of 721 Broadway. A police report was filed, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Oct. 31 at 9:55 p.m., an NYU student reported that an NYU laptop was missing from an office in Rufus D. Smith Hall. A police report was filed, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Nov. 1 at 11:35 a.m., an NYU staff member reported that his shoes were missing from his office in the Brown Building. Police notification was declined, and the report is open under investigation.

On Nov. 2 at 12:15 p.m., an NYU student reported that her laptop charger was missing from the third floor study area of the Brown Building. Police notification was declined, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Nov. 2 at 2:35 p.m., an NYU student reported that her ID was missing from a cubicle at the Dental Center. Police notification was declined, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Oct. 2 at 5:05 p.m., an NYU student reported that his bike was missing from University Place, between East 8th Street and Washington Square North. A police report was filed, and the report is open and under investigation.


On Oct. 29 at 1:35 a.m., an NYU student reported that he was slapped in the back of the head by an unidentified person at Third Avenue and 12th Street. No injury was reported. Police notification was declined, and the report is open and under investigation.

On Nov. 1 at 4:21 p.m., an NYU affiliate reported that two unidentified individuals called him names and threatened him with physical violence at Lipton Residence Hall. Police notification was declined. The case is closed, as the suspects were escorted out of the building.

On Nov. 1 at 9:10 p.m., an NYU student reported that her ex-boyfriend had shown up at her residence at 80 Lafayette St. after being asked not to. A police report was filed, and the report is open and under investigation.


On Oct. 30 at 11 p.m., an unidentified man, claiming he was an NYU student, was caught trespassing at Elmer Holmes Bobst Library. He was escorted out by Public Safety. The suspect left the premises, and the case was closed.

Simple Assault

On Nov. 1 at 5:09 p.m., an NYU student reported that an unidentified man punched him outside of the Barney Building. Police were notified but the student chose not to file a report. The report is open and under investigation with Public Safety.

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