HUMOR: Facebook Creates a ‘Thoughts and Prayers React’ to Save Time
A preview of Facebook’s new time-saving react.
October 13, 2017
Facebook is rolling out a new and crucial feature this month due to the sharp increase in tragedies in recent months. Mark Zuckerberg does not plan to remain idle, posting a notice about the new update for all of the avid Facebook users who keep up to date with the hippest catastrophic news.
“Starting at the end of the month, Facebook will allow its users to have the option of a ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ react on statuses or trending news articles,” Zuckerberg wrote. “We just imagined the amount of time our users spend on writing that their thoughts and prayers are with these tragedy-stricken families, so we thought we could make it a little easier for them to let everyone know that their thoughts and prayers are with them.”
The icon for the react is two hands pressed together, as if someone were praying. Local Facebook user Bartholomew Hilbert was thrilled by Zuckerberg’s announcement.
“After Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico, I spent so much time figuring out the best way to comment on a CNN article, but I knew I had to to say something in order to make a difference,” Hilbert said. “If I had the option to use this thoughts and prayers react earlier, I would’ve saved so many minutes.”
However, not all Facebook users reacted positively to Facebook’s new react. After an overwhelming amount of angry reacts on Zuckerberg’s post, Zuckerberg removed the angry react and replaced it with a “Zuckerberg Is The Best” react, a “Zuckerbear Hug” react and finally a “The Social Network Was An Inaccurate Portrayal of Who I Really Am” react.
So next time tragedy strikes, Facebook has got your back. Please share this article. One like = one respect.
Email David Scherker at [email protected].