Lambda Chi Alpha Cancels Rush Due to Policy Violation
Lambda Chi Alpha’s rush was canceled this fall due violation of NYU and Fraternity policies.
September 16, 2016
Lambda Chi Alpha, a fraternity in the Tandon School of Engineering, has canceled all of its rush events on Facebook, stating “Unfortunately, due to unforeseen administrative problems, we will not be able to hold the rush events. Please keep in touch, but for now, all rush events this semester have been canceled.” The chapter has ceased all activity on social media platforms.
Rushing, the initial recruitment and selection process of new members into a fraternity or sorority, is essential to the continuation of greek life on campus. “Rush Week” involves events geared towards meeting new potential members of the communities and going through an in-depth process of mutually selecting new people for different houses.
Tandon sophomore Jeen Snidvongs, who is the Rush Chair of Lambda Chi Alpha, declined to comment on behalf of the fraternity on any matters regarding the situation.
David Gonzalez, Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, said that Lambda Chi Alpha is under investigation for alleged violations of the NYU Alcohol and Fraternal Information and Programming Group policies.
“During an investigation of this type, it is standard that the organization’s activities are restricted until the issues are resolved,” Gonzalez said. “For fraternities and sororities to avoid these issues, [they should] follow NYU and national organizational protocol, rules and regulations.”
The NYU and FIGP policies have many safety and health-oriented restrictions, including one that states that all Greek activities must be non-alcoholic.
“No chapter may co-sponsor, co-finance or attend or participate in a function at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations,” the Chapter Event and Risk Management Guidelines read. “All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy.”
The policies also outline proper behavior expectations of members during rush, recruitment and the school year. However, the latter two will not be applicable for Lambda Chi Alpha this semester.
CAS senior Ankita Ray, who is the treasurer of the 2016 Panhellenic Committee, said that she understands and follows all these guidelines, since it is for the betterment of the sorority.
“Sorority recruitment is very organized; it’s a mutual selection process, and each day you narrow down your choices,” Ray said. “It’s a very personal process for these young women, and there are a lot of rules to be followed. We can’t influence girls in any way, and we call rush week dry week because we don’t mix alcohol and the process of recruitment.”
Email Miranda Bernice Levingston at [email protected].
douchébro • Sep 26, 2016 at 6:50 pm
a fraternity at *NYU
All frats could be suspended if nyu admins wanted to be strict hahahahahaha, clowns