Weekend: Ditch Your Dorm, Take Advantage of the Weather
Smorgasburg has some great food on the weekends, including the new and viral raindrop cake.
April 15, 2016
Winter has finally released its cold and icy grasp on New York. After weeks of not knowing whether to wear your jorts or parkas, you can rest easy knowing that — at least this weekend — it will be warm. Take advantage of the pleasant weather by checking out some of the events around the city this weekend.
Various locations in Tribeca
April 15 to 17
$20 for weekend screenings
Whether you’re a cinephile or someone just interested in getting a peek at some new films on the festival circuit, Tribeca Film Festival is something to keep on your radar. A combination of documentaries, foreign and indie films, the festival showcases the works of both up-and-coming filmmakers and those who are already well-known in the industry. The screenings are happening all throughout the week, but the prices are hiked up to $20 per screening on weekends.
East River State Park, Williamsburg
Saturday, April 16
Free admission, but they’ll get you with the price of food
Dying to try that raindrop cake or the burger with ramen-noodle buns? You can find these exotic treats plus many more at Smorgasburg. There are many vendors to choose from — almost too many — but after doing your time in line, the food seems to taste even better. A word of caution though: before hopping in line for the first vendor with delectable treats, take your time and walk around to consider all of your options. The food can be a bit pricey, so be sure of which dishes are the must-haves before before you throw your money at all of them. Your bank account will thank you later.
Lincoln Center (David H. Koch Theater)
April 15 to 17
Lowest price $35
One of the top ballet troupes in the nation, Miami City Ballet, will grace the stage at the Lincoln Center for the last time this season on Sunday, April 17. The group, led by former Principal Dancer of the New York City Ballet, Lourdes Lopez, was described in a review by The New York Times as having “high energy” and “a warm sunniness that surely speaks of Florida.” This tour was their first tour in New York City since 2009, and from the looks of it, they took those seven years putting together an amazing routine that is sure to entertain.
All around NYC
April 15 to 17
Get rid of those bags under your eyes from the countless all-nighters at Bobst with a day of relaxation. Pamper yourself at one of the many spas around the city participating in the annual event. $50 may seem like a lot of money to spend on a spa treatment, but if you think about what a normal price for a full-body hot stone massage is — upwards of $80 — you realize that this fixed rate of $50 is actually well worth the cost. But don’t take too long weighing your options because the last chance to take advantage of this deal is Sunday, April 17.
NY Yankees vs. Seattle Mariners
Yankee Stadium
April 15 to 17
Spring means that it’s that time of the year again when we can watch men in tight pants run around a diamond. You’re not a true New Yorker until you’ve watched our state team play a game on their home turf.For the astronomical price of your tuition, you should be happy to learn you can buy extremely discounted tickets to any of these games through NYU Ticket Central. $13 plus a $2 web service fee ain’t too shabby.
Email Deja Gaines at [email protected].