New App Shows Where the Straight Guys Are at NYU
Violets is a new application which helps you determine someone’s sexuality based on other people’s opinions.
April 1, 2016
If you’ve ever wondered where all the straight guys at NYU are, get excited, because the answer is not, as many people have assumed, “Stern.” Instead, the solution lies in Violets, a new mobile app created by two NYU students.
To use the app, users search by name or look through photos to find the guy they’re interested in. If the person already has a profile, they can see what other users of the app have written about them.
Violets allows users to choose from a number of categories that they feel best fit the subject of each profile. Categories range from “Straight; just a great dresser” to “WHY ARE ALL THE CUTE ONES GAY?!?!?”
Julia Lowen and her roommate Rani Darzi, both CAS juniors, came up with the idea for Violets last semester based on a personal experience.
“There was this cute guy in my Discrete Math class,” Lowen said. “But I just couldn’t figure out whether he was interested in girls or not.”
The matter was eventually settled when a friend sent Lowen a screenshot of her crush’s profile on the male hookup app Grindr. Instead of wallowing in her heartbreak, the incident inspired Lowen.
“I mean, I wasted like two months wondering about him,” Lowen said. “So I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app that could answer the question in two seconds?’”
Since Lowen and her Darzi are both computer science majors, they programed and created the app themselves.
Violet is an NYU-specific app, and you need a valid NYU email address to create a profile. Darzi said that this helps keep the app informative.
“The idea is that it’s girls at NYU sharing info with other girls at NYU,” she said. “Violets is the online equivalent of another student tapping you on the shoulder to say ‘Girl, don’t waste your time on that one.’”
For Lowen, Violets is her way of giving back to the NYU community.
“I mean, everyone knows that being a straight girl at NYU is tough, but I’m pretty sure that our app will solve everything.”
Email Kendall Levison at [email protected]. This report has been a part of our special April 1 parody coverage. Check back next week when we get back to business.