Exhibit investigates clothing identities
Ariele Elia, assistant curator costumes and textiles at the Museum at FIT, speaks during a discussion at Pless Hall after the opening of “Re[intent]ion: Adaption and Subversion of the Wearable.”
January 29, 2015
“Re[intent]ion: Adaption + Subversion of the Wearable” examines the socioeconomic implications of clothing and the identities they create. The exhibit is on display at 80 Washington Square East.
Using items like bamboo earrings, Dr. Martens and a faux Burberry cap, this graduate student-curated exhibit uses just eight pieces to meditate upon the evolution of wearable material. Because clothing is a reflection of a society’s needs and wants, the repurposing or remaking of an item marks a shift in culture. The exhibit will help answer questions pertaining to what has led modern society to lust after the masculine, thick-soled boot of Dr. Marten and what is the lure of the tan, red and black plaid of Burberry.
The “Re[intent]ion” exhibit will discuss the political subtext in the I Love NY logo or in a pair of Converse. Through “Re[intent]ion,” NYU students can start examining their clothing.
“Re[intent]ion” is a product of the Costume Studies graduate program at Steinhardt’s School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The exhibit opened on Wednesday, Jan. 28, with a reception beginning at 5 p.m. and a discussion at 7:15 p.m. in Pless Hall. It will be on view at 80WSE Gallery One through Feb. 5.
A version of this article appeared in the Thursday, Jan. 29 print edition. Email Audrey Deng at [email protected]