NYU Reacts: HBO Go in dorms
A poster in Third North Residence Hall advertises the HBO Go, which is now available in several residence halls.
November 3, 2014
Students living in NYU housing are now able to use HBO Go on their laptops and smartphones. This service is currently available to undergraduates and the Law School’s on-campus residents with NYU Campus Cable services. Upperclassmen living in the hotels — Affinia Manhattan, Affinia Dumont and Affinia Shelburne — are unable to utilize the service.
Members of the NYU community shared their views on the news that students living in residence halls would have access to HBO Go.
“I think I will use HBO Go only for watching ‘True Detective.’ It’s nice to have, but nowhere near a big enough incentive to remain in residential life.” — Kimberly Chen, CAS junior living in Palladium
“Although I obviously wish we had access when we were still in housing, I realize that schools and benefits are constantly evolving, so I think it is a smart and well-deserved benefit to people in housing, especially given the price of dorming.” — Jacob Sim, CAS junior living in downtown Manhattan
“I’m a little peeved about not having access to HBO Go because I’m technically still in housing but I don’t have access to all the perks of it. But since it’s relatively easy to access HBO content on other resources online, I think that it’s nice that NYU gave students access to it.”— Gabe Hajyousif, CAS junior living in Affinia Shelburne
“I thought the deal was a good idea by HBO, since on-campus kids aren’t going to pay for cable in the first place, might as well give them free stuff to build customer relations.” — Yifei Zhang, CAS sophomore living in Greenwich Hotel
“I would say it’s a trade-off. Hotel living is a lot nicer than your typical dorm. For me, I would rather live in a hotel than have HBO Go. It’s pretty cool, though, that NYU is taking care of their students a little better, because we do pay a lot for housing so we should have stuff like that.” — Justin Silverberg, LS freshman living in Third North
“I think it’s awesome that we got HBO Go. It was never something I planned on getting for myself, but I definitely will not complain about having access to it for free. I was able to get a quick look through it the last couple days, and although it’s basically another reason to procrastinate, it’s really nice to have all these shows and movies to watch.” — Swan Cho, CAS junior living in Palladium
“I think it’s a little lame that we don’t get to use it considering we’ve already been inconvenienced enough living 30 minutes from campus, but we live in a really nice hotel that has a free TV so it’s not that big of a deal to me.” – Austin Reardon, CAS junior living in Affinia Shelburne
A version of this article appeared in the Monday, Nov. 3 print editon. Email Suebin Kim at [email protected].