A shared space such as a dorm room can be difficult to personalize, so here are just a few ideas to make that drab space feel a little bit more like home.
Mason jars
Attach mason jars to your wall by either hanging them or gluing them onto a piece of wood to hold kitchen utensils or even makeup brushes. At Ace Hardware, a 12-pack of pint-sized mason jars can be purchased for $10.99, a cute and practical way to organize extra items.
Old shoe boxes
Line old shoe boxes with shirts you never use anymore to keep for storage. Stack different-sized and colored boxes together and leave post-it notes on top to differentiate them.
Chalkboard paint
Spray the surface of an empty photo frame, mason jar lid, random tin boxes or even your plain old mugs and drinking glasses with chalkboard paint. You will be able to write your to-do lists on your wall. Prior to applying the paint, use a primer to prepare the surface.
Egg cartons
For a DIY kitchen tip, turn egg cartons into ice-trays by cutting off the top half of the egg carton. Pour water halfway up each egg holder and place in the freezer.
Fake candles
Candles are prohibited in dorms, being potentially hazardous. However, fake candle lights may be placed inside colorful jars to add a nice hue of warmth on your windowsill, especially during dark winter nights.
—Ilona Tuominen