If you are a lover of both cosmetics and creatures, you’ve likely faced the moral crisis of buying beauty products from animal-testing brands, or products that contain animal derivatives. Fortunately, as consumers begin to look for ethically made products, the beauty world offers plenty of affordable options for cruelty-free, vegan primping from head to foot.
Lush Cosmetics Fresh Face Masks
Lush Stores ~ $6.95/2.1 oz. pot
These innovative facemasks are crafted
from all fresh, vegan ingredients — so fresh, they have to be refrigerated for storage. One particularly well-performing mask is Cosmetic Warrior, a garlic-based mask that boasts a powerful scent and clarifying properties, but Lush offers several varieties of mask and con- tinually develops more. Due to the perishable nature of the masks, they must be bought in store (locations include Union Square, Herald Square, SoHo and the Upper West Side) It isn’t recommended you keep them longer than two weeks, but they will definitely leave you with blemish- and guilt-free skin.
Manic Panic Amplified Hair Dye
manicpanic.com ~
$17.30/4 oz. bottle
Manic Panic is a venerated producer of hair dyes that are cruelty-free, vegan and excellent quality. Two four ounce bottles of Amplified hair dye can feasibly last you a year, depending on your hair length and color. The Amplified line is nontoxic, semi-permanent and comes in a range of enticingly titled shades such as Atomic Turquoise and Ultra Violet. Manic Panic also offers hair-dying accessories and less intense shades on their website.
My Lip Stuff 100% Vegan Lip Balm
mylipstuffstore.com ~ $4.50/.15 oz. tube
With dry winter months approaching, lip balm is a must. Many drugstore lip balms include beeswax-derived ingredients that are seriously damaging to the environment, but My Lip Stuff balms are totally vegan and cruelty-free. S&M, for example is a delicious and cheekily named flavor combining sorbet and mandarin orange, but the site offers a range of spicy, sweet and natural tastes. It may seem strange to buy lip balm online, but don’t be afraid to buy in bulk. Lip balms, as everyone
knows, do have the tendency to get lost.
Kalliste Solid Soap
Kalliste Retail Store, kallisteshop.com
$6.50/3.5 oz. bar
Kalliste is an organic, vegan bath and beauty product store based out of Westchester, NY. Their soaps are nourishing, moisturizing and come in a variety of refreshing scents like cinnamon clove and oatmeal vanilla. Kalliste usually offers a sale around holidays as well as a variety of adorable specialty soaps for Valentine’s Day and Christmas. The solid soap also saves on packaging waste, a big environmental plus. As a homegrown, entrepreneurial business, Kalliste is known to have superior customer service as well as an intimate feel to the creation of their products. Kalliste also sells shaving accessories, lotions and creams — all divinely scented, organic and vegan.
Veganism is on an exponential rise as of late, but even those who aren’t ready for a complete lifestyle upheaval can make small changes by purchasing cruelty-free cosmetics. Some of the best products on the market right now do not rely at all on animal testing or byproducts, and a spa night with friends is no less enjoyable when compassion is added to the mix.
Sabrina • Sep 11, 2013 at 12:38 pm
Faux You on Facebook has all of these there