[GALLERY] New Yorkers stand with Trayvon Martin
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Jonathan Tan/WSN
Ryan Hamilton for WSN
Ryan Hamilton for WSN
July 20, 2013
Thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets in the wake of the highly publicized George Zimmerman trial, when the Florida neighborhood watch coordinator was acquitted of second degree murder and manslaughter charges. Zimmerman was tried for shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012, while patrolling his neighborhood.The tragedy triggered a nationwide debate about racial profiling, and Zimmerman’s controversial acquittal on July 13 sparked protests across the country as Trayvon Martin’s supporters rallied against the ruling. Here are scenes of activism in New York.