New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A man with black hair winces in the dark.

The case against ‘Whiplash’

We made a huge mistake giving this guy an Oscar.
Andre Garcia, Contributing Writer February 20, 2023

Nowadays, film discourse exists in a precarious space. From the film discussion side of Twitter, to YouTube video essays, to Letterboxd discussions, people tend to get evangelical...

The arts desk is back with some recommendations of singles you may have missed this week. (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

Weekly Radio Roundup: Final Edition of the Semester

The most exciting tunes as you get ready to let loose in the summertime.

The end is near and the statement isn’t necessarily foreboding. The end suggests the completion of finals and the freedom to wander the streets freely for the first time in months....

Ryan Gosling in First Man.

‘First Man’ Is a Personal NASA Story

Daniel Devine, Contributing Writer October 17, 2018
Damien Chazelle's newest film "First Man" takes the leap into space and brings the audience along for liftoff.
Ryan Gosling in First Man. (Courtesy of Universal Pictures)

The ‘First Man’ Controversy: When Does Patriotism Become Propaganda?

Taylor Stout, Staff Writer October 9, 2018
The controversy surrounding "First Man" and the planting of the American flag on the moon begs the question: when does patriotism turn into propaganda?
Left to right: Melissa Benoist as Nicole and Miles Teller as Andrew/
Courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

Lead actors shine in psychological drama

Zack Grullon, Staff Writer October 8, 2014
"Whiplash" skillfully mounts tension through its lead performances