Up-and-Comers 2018
We’re not just university students. We’re journalists, YouTubers, coders, organizers, historians, investors and entrepreneurs. We’re all at the cusp of breaking into the industries that we will soon be running. While some of us teeter at the edge, using academia as a launching pad to test drive certain career paths, there are a number of NYU students who know exactly what they want and have already started navigating the road.
These individuals are Up-and-Comers — students nominated by their peers, coworkers and professors who have already demonstrated tenacity and talent in their respective industries. Whether it be fostering sex positivity, photographing the intricacies of New York’s skyline, promoting diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry or providing an outlet for trauma through drama therapy, WSN’s 11 Up-and-Comers are all relentless and motivated in pursuing their passions. And it shows.
Thank you to all of this year’s 11 Up and Comers for carving the time out of their hectic schedules to facilitate this feature, and to of the WSN staff who also worked tirelessly behind the scenes — writing, editing, photographing, filming and designing — to make sure that we are doing these students justice. I hope by the end of reading these profiles, you feel as inspired as I do and that most importantly, you notice there is no algorithm for what makes someone an Up-and-Comer. Anyone and everyone can leave their own mark on the world.