When life starts to feel mundane, finding inspiration and solace in art can be a way to spark imagination. This photo essay highlights work from four photographers in the Department of Photography and Imaging at the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU, each of whom was asked to contribute to the theme “surreal photography.” The photography and imaging program at Tisch focuses on the study and creation of photography and moving imagery. Its students specialize in a range of mediums and styles, from documentary to fashion and everything in between.
Peeking into the surreal
Enter the fantasy worlds of several Photography and Imaging students at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.
October 30, 2022

“I like to create narrative-driven images that provide an escape and a brief pause in the reality of viewers by producing clean, utopian atmospheres with surreal elements and carefully selected color palettes. My current and ongoing series, ‘Overdramatic Recreation’ showcases oblivious, manicured scenes that invite viewers into a visually dramatic, nonchalant lifestyle.”

“My photography style revolves around the use of intricate light, shadow, and color. I do this to create intimate-style portraits that can feel emotional and personal. Along with this, I have adapted a more editorial and stylized look to these photographs.”

“I adore exploring mystical storylines while evoking horror and bloody motifs. In my work, I like to remove my own identity from my self-portrait characters; however, I also love to exhibit personal symbolism hidden within my work. Overall, my photography goal is to explore aspects of storytelling, dive into horror movie motifs, and explore characters other than my own.”

“My photography captures the visions that spark in our head when listening to music, as I also explore the myths and legends of my culture. I utilize many techniques through lighting, set design and camera technical skills to tell my story and deliver my own visions.”
These photographers show us how surreal photography can transport us to different realities.
After experiencing these images, we encourage viewers to return to their daily routines knowing that there is more wonder to life than meets the eye.
Ryan Rogers, Ava Thornton, Caroline Solakian and Tommy Tran
Contact Ryan Rogers at [email protected]
Developed for web by Samson Tu