Clark Street
Address: 55 Clark St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Cost per semester: $5,611-$9,364
Low cost: Available
Rooms available: Singles, Doubles, Triples
Nearby subways: A, C, R, 2, 3
NYU Shuttles: None
Closest dining hall: Jasper Kane
Walk to campus: 15 minutes to Tandon
Exploration floors: None
Amenities: Community Center
Situated in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood, Clark Street Residence Hall offers a unique residential experience mostly for Tandon students, ranging from first-years to upperclassmen. Unlike other NYU dorms, residents have a special key card to access the building and their suites since students from other universities also share the Clark Street Building.
“I love the location,” Tandon sophomore and current Clark Hall Council President Simone Brown said. “It’s in Brooklyn heights, a quieter more family friendly neighborhood, about five minutes from the promenade and about seven [minutes] from DUMBO which both offer some amazing views.”
The suites are either doubles or triples, which are low cost efficiency, and each suite includes a TV. All the suites include a refrigerator and microwave, but if you’re in need of a full kitchen, the main floor has a communal kitchen.
Since Clark residents aren’t near the Brooklyn Athletic Facility, Palladium Gym or 404 Fitness, they’re all eligible for a complimentary membership to the Eastern Athletic Club, which is right next door. With all these amenities, Clark Street is a perfect place to start your residential experience at NYU or continue it.